Gruesome Tearing

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Trigger Warning(s): Graphic depictions of gore.

(You get the gist.)

Everyone had started gathering in a circle around Tie, coming to his aid. A hole where his eye formerly was gushed with blood and goo. The goo didn't seem to infect anything else once tainted with blood. Only Konghou noticed this. Regardless of her hatred for Tie, she still helped him up and took a look at his wounds.

"Yeesh. Looks like you were stabbed pretty hard. Picture Frame, there should be some bandages and an eye patch in the medical bag. It's in the building over there."

Konghou points to a small building, seemingly a storage shed. Picture Frame nods, too surprised to speak. Tie's crying softly, as Bowie's sitting next to him for moral support. Konghou looks to her right, and sees Stop Sign trying to scold a very obviously zoned out Cherry Cream Soda. Cherry is looking at her hands, as Stop Sign is legitimately shaking her, and calling her name. Konghou glances at her hand, and notices a black patch. It seemed like a discoloration in her skin, until she stepped towards her to get a better look.

Konghou gasped at the sight, it was the same goo Stop Sign had showed us on the stick. Konghou walks back to Tie.


Stop Sign yells to Konghou, hoping to confide in her to help him with Cherry Cream. Opalite walks up to Stop Sign.

"Can I speak with you? Uh..."

They look at the people trying to comfort Tie.

"... privately?"

Stop Sign nods, and they both go off behind the small storage shed. Opalite sits down, and sighs. Stop Sign crouches down. He opens his small can of cigarettes, and lights one. He offers it to Opalite, but they kindly decline.

"What... did you see... in the woods? You guys obviously found something."

Opalite curiously asked. Stop Sign sighs, the image still replaying in his head. He looked away for a moment, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"Well... Cherry had taken a walk, and I followed her to see if she was- I mean- what she was doing..."

Stop Sign stopped for a moment, hesitant to continue.

"We were walking together, and it was... pretty awkward. I thought she was just thinking, and didn't want to talk."

Stop Sign told Opalite. Opalite impatiently played with a blade of grass.

"She'd stopped at one point, and I thought she was just deep in thought. I tried getting her attention, but then I walked in front of her..."

Stop Sign looked at Opalite, wondering if they still wanted to hear the rest of the story. They nodded at Stop Sign, and he continued after another drag of his cigarette.

"Infront of her was...Sammy. Dead. He had that...ugly black gunk on him, and he seemed to be.. impaled on a spike. Blood everywhere, pooling under him. It was gross as fuck. Cherry even threw up."

Stop Sign put out his cigarette in the grass, and threw it in the tin. He put it down in the damp grass. The sun was slowly inching up above the horizon, and colors sparkled between the pale clouds. The ground was still damp, but the short grass still wet Stop Sign's hands. Opalite piped up.

"That sounds gross... Maybe I shouldn't have asked."

"No, no. It's okay."

Stop Sign patted Opalite on the back.

"I suppose we should go back to the others...?"

~A few hours later~

The sun had fully risen, it was about 8 AM. Everything had calmed down from the last situation, and everyone was starting to wake up. Konghou found Cherry scribbling something in an old banged up book. It had four yellow stars on the cover, and was purple with little dark purple embellishments. It had her initials in the corner, seemingly her actual name. The letters E.S.C spelled out her name, Eva Saccharine Chyzh, and were written in a black pen. Cherry seemed anxious. Her frantic scribbling stopped, once she felt Konghou looming over her. Cherry slammed the journal shut, and threw it on the ground.

"How long were you standing there?"

Cherry said, very stern. Cherry looked at Konghou, hands behind her back. Konghou cleared her throat.

"Uh, not long. What's in there, anyway?"

Konghou questioned, pointing at the journal on the ground. Cherry kicked it away, the small yellow bookmark on the bottom getting wet from the damp dewy grass.

"Nothing. Now, I assume you came over here to tell me something?"

Cherry avoided the question. You know what they always say; when life gives you questions, give them more! Why are you asking me, anyway!

"Yeah...uhm, I noticed that when you stabbed Tie, the.. eugh.. blood stopped the goo from spreading."

Konghou explained to Cherry. Cherry grabbed Konghou's arm. She pulled her close, and whispered in her ear.

"You. Me. Stick together so I don't go fucking crazy in this place. Okay? Help me figure this... shit out. Or I'll kill you. Okay?"

Cherry lets go of Konghou, her firm grip leaving a small mark on her arm. Cherry had seemed to be more... aggressive. But, she also seemed smarter. Like she was genuinely trying to get out of this place.
Who knows how her family was doing without her,
Konghou thought.

"Alright, I guess. But, you have to tell me what you were writing."

Konghou crosses her arms. Cherry sighs, and picks up the book.

"These are... my logs of what's happened so far with this... goopy stuff. Things I've noticed, my thoughts, whatever, I guess."

Cherry holds the book infront of her, looking down at it. Konghou looks aswell, observing it. Cherry stuffs it in her hair, and walks to the others.

But as she's walking, Konghou notices.

Cherry's arm.

(A/N: HELLO!!!!!!! I'm having so much fun writing these... I hope you all have as much fun as I do, but reading them!!! I'll be busy for awhile this week, so the chapters will be coming out slower. I'll try my best, though!! Bye, and see ya in the next part! Stay coolio! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ )

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