Dancing In The Moonlight

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"oh! Of course!... I mean, you COULD get hurt, buuuuuut after that fight we had, i'm sure that you can handle Mimic... Anyhow! Let's go! I think you kids deserve some hot cocoa after... You know what" Robin led the way to the kids towards a small cafe, a very cozy place, both inside and outside. Robin sat down in a small wooden table, and signed to the three to join her, and so they did. The chairs were oddly comfortable, despite being made of wood and there was ho pillow underneath, which was weird, but who cares? I don't! "uhu.. This chairs are oddly comfortable... How is it possible...?" "well, i made all the chairs and tables outside of this building! One of my hobby is building, especially with wood! You can't beat the satisfaction of having something built by you somewhere, even if it's just in  your house!" Robin said with a proud face, while Miyu looked at her with sparkling eyes. "waaaaaaa!!! This is AWESOME!!! You're kind of like my dad for the building aspect!! But he builds robots and not chairs and tables" the two girls giggled, as the boys just stared at the conversation and shrugged, thinking it was just a "girl's conversation", stuff they could never understand as guys. "aside from this, i still haven't presented myself properly! The name's Robin! A member of the royal guard that follows her highness Alice's orders, and protects MemoryDream alongside all the other heroes present! And you are?" "oh! My name is Giichi! I'm the leader of the heroes of MemoryDream! The ketsune is Miyu, she's a member of the team, and that's Berli! Awesome peep, and also an amazing roller" "i sure am amazing at rolling around ÙwÚ!... And stabbing others-... Actually, how did you not feel much pain when i stabbed you?" Berli asked confused, as the other two looked at Robin as well. The bird quickly got up, and punched her armour. "this armour is way more durable than what it seems!" "... Makes sense to me. But what's with the socks? And the hat too?" Robin suddenly blushed uncontrollably, and hid her face with her wings. "DON'T YOU ALSO WANT TO BE COMFORTABLE WHEN GOING TO WORK?!... I hate removing my pyjamas when i get up..." Robin murmured the last past, making sure that no one heard it. The trio just looked at her in confusion, and from then on, awkward silence filled the area with the chatting of the few customers outside and the sound of foot in the snow and the wind filling it. After what felt like an eternity, but were actually just 20 seconds, Giichi spoke up, trying to get the focus back on the mission. "e-emh... Robin...? About the mission..." "... Right! The mission! The Mimic! Sooooooo... I don't... Really have a picture about her... But i can give you a very brief description!... All i can remember is that she has dark angel wings, purple spiraling eyes, and a notebook in her hands at all times actually." Giichi, Miyu and Berli all fell to the ground after hearing this, not really expecting a royal guard to not even know how does a criminal look like. Robin blushed of embarassement, definely not liking their reaction. "HEY!!! A bit more respect here please!!! I'm doing my best!!" she scolded them annoyed as she scoffed, then sighed. "i know i should have more informations about her, but you gotta bear with me, no one really knows much about her!!! So yeah, that's why us royal guards are all so allert..." she then explained. The trio understood the problem almost immediately, having already dealt with something similar, Berli included, because unfortuanetely he was there the time it happened. "talking about the criminal, shouldn't we go look for the others and tell them about it? You know, since we need to prepare for the event...?" "... Right!!! We need to go!!! Sorry miss Robin, but we need to look for the rest of the team now!!!" Giichi screamed right after Miyu reminded him of the reason they were there in the first place. "YOU guys go!! You know i have stuff to do here." Berli reminded them, before he left once and for all, not before doing the middle finger to Giichi with a smirk, making Giichi irritated. "... Now that Berli is gone we should really go... Bye miss Robin!!!" "bye Miyu, bye Giichi!" Robin screamed, as Miyu left. Before Giichi could do the same, Robin stopped him. "wait!!! Before you go!!!" "mh...? Is something the matter...?" Robin suddenly took out a frame; it was new, made of wood, and painted yellow. It also had a rope around it, some bat stickers, a bell, and some blue feathers to decorate it... Giichi's eyes sparkled at the sight of the pretty frame. "ooooooooooh!! It's so pretty!!!... But why are you showing me-...!" Robin also showed Giichi a piece of a broken picture, showing a blue bird, who was smiling happily, as she hugging someone, but it was impossible to say who, since... Well, the picture was broken. "this will help you in your mission to remember, Clover..." Martlet smiled, making Clover smile as well. "... Thank you, Robin-... No, Martlet... I'll make sure he'll remember and complete my duty!!" Giichi placed the piece of the broken picture inside of the frame, on the left, upper corner of it. He then hugged Robin, who hugged him back, then he left with the frame. Robin just looked at the boy leaving and smiled. "we'll meet again in the real world, don't fret..." Robin for a while started to glitch, turning into the same blue bird from the photo she gave Giichi, and then back to herself...

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