Welcome To VoidMind

15 3 1

⚠️Contains: Gore, scary scenes, cannibalism, mentions of abuse⚠️

"...!" Clover suddenly woke up, breathing heavily after what he just dreamt about. "... That sure wasn't scary." he said, trying be as silent as possible. He then looked a Frisk, who was sound asleep and sighed. "at least he's still asleep..." he whispered. A sudden thought suddenly flew inside of his mind, and it was there to stay... "..." he quickly ran off the bedroom, leaving the apartment directly and running towards a specific place, as if something inside of his mind was commanding him to... He didn't know why he was doing it, he just did it, trusting the gut feeling in his mind...

He soon found himself inside of the library of the village, a beautiful place, even at night... Clover smiled, breathing in the fresh scent of ink. "this is such a nice scent... It reminds me of some good times... The time with Nancy sure did help. And... That... Encounter... I think it's all coming to an end finally..." Clover looked around, and found a flashlight right on the ground. "... Uhu, that's convinient..." Clover kneeled down, and grabbed the flashlight, turning it on; the first sight he saw, was Someone. The boy immediately got scared and backed away from the figure, who was just staring at him, doing absolutely nothing. "w-why are you here... Why do you look so familiar, yet... I don't know who do you look like..." he asked, and as expected, he got no answer, aside Someone somehow signaling him to come with him. Clover tried to resist the curiousity, but he just couldn't... He sighed, and walked forward, noticing how Someone dissapeared, leaving footprints to lead him wherever he wanted him to go to. Clover was hallucinating again, but this was the first time that his hallucinations tried to lead him somewhere... Without almost brutally kill him, that is. Clover soon found himself in front of a lone table, with a book right above it. "what the... Ok, something's clearly wrong with me at this point." Clover said to himself, walking towards the book and reading its title: "tales of the Soul's Armony: an enciclopedia about everything to be known about souls". Its author was someone named as "King of Souls"... Definely not suspicious! Clover was confused, but still decided to open the book and read it, and he found himself oddly hooked to it. All of a sudden tho, Clover reached a part about the "soul's identity"... He started to read and... "a soul not only contains magic, determination, and the trait that represents their human host. They also contain the identity of the human... Unlike in monsters soul, which are almost entirely made out of magic, human souls also have the function to help the brain store all of the human's memory, good or bad. When the human dies, their soul shatters, but after the death, the memories remain perfectly intact. However, when a human is to give up their own soul, they're basically giving up their identity, they're removing theirselves from their body, which will then cause problems with amnesia after the soul is back in the host's body. To solve this issue, using your own mind in creative ways such as dreams can be helpful, but it may take a long time. However, a quicker way is..." the page ended there. Clover was confused as hell, but at least now he has an idea of what the hell just happened to him? Either way, he wanted to find out more, he wanted to... Help. He turned page, and what he saw after scared him to his core, his eyes widened in shock, his heartbeat started to accelerate at the speed of light, and his whole body and soul started to tremble. This... Isn't possible...

... There was a soul inside of the book. It was beating, there was blood all around it, a ton of it. It was a cyan soul, the soul of patience. On the other page, there was written something, and Clover started to read, trying not to tremble while talking. "t-to fix that issue... The human who lost its identity must... A-absorb a dead soul... Seven in total... U-use mine as an example... I-it will be useful for the angel anyway... What in the world is wrong with this guy?! I-i... I-i must report this to the police immediately!!!" Clover screamed terrified after reading what the book said, and tried to get up and leave to report what he just saw to the autorities... But for some reason... He just couldn't. Clover couldn't understand why, but there was something pushing him to actually listen to that book... In his head, he could hear a bunch of voices, all telling him the same exact thing... "do it". Not being able to comply with the weird voices that not even he knew where they came from in the first place, he took a deep breath and started to read the spell written in the book. "those who live, those who fall, those who fly and those who die, the angel's words are heard from all over the sky, every soul shall come to the light... Sleep in my heart, and give me what's mine back..." after that, the soul started to beat faster, much faster, and it started to also crumble in small pieces, until it turned into a small, floating sphere, which flew straight into Clover's soul, filling his soul a little, and also awakening some new memories...

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