Chapter 19

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Word count: 1121

As the Sun Chariot had crashed into the canoe lake Abigail swam to the coast, holding bianca by the arm who had some trouble swimming. She threw bianca onto the coast first before she got out herself. "Y-you good kid?" Bianca nodded, slowly getting up. "Ye-yeah, I'm fine." She looked for Nico for a second and saw he was also alright. For some reason Bianca reminded Abigail of Luna, her looks weren't exactly like luna's but the way she acted, her movements. A bit lost in thought Abigail was pulled out by Zoë, who put her hand on her shoulder. "You alright?" "Ye-yeah of course, just thinking, this place brings up some, uhm, memories." The smell of burning wood and the usual light breeze in camp half blood, reminded her to much of Draven's death and of Luna. Abigail quickly followed as Grover led them to the Artemis cabin.

The stoll brothers had spotted Abigail, not having known her at camp but they had heard enough stories about her from Luke, Luna and Annabeth. They wanted to approach her but Percy stopped them, "these hunters don't really like talking with guys." For once the brothers listened and went back to their own cabin.

Zoë was the first one to come inside and saw the used but made up bed, which had a few pictures taped to the wall. All covered in a layer of dust. She turned to Grover who was about to leave. "Did someone stay here?" He looked her in the eyes. "Yeah, a girl was claimed by Artemis about a year and a half ago." Zoë looked at Abigail who was the most recent member who had spent time at camp. Abigail shock her head. "Who was it?" She asked Grover, he looked around like he wasn't sure what to say, or like he didn't want to be heard by anyone else. "Luna." Abigail looked shocked, a silent tear falling from her eye. "Where is she?" "I don't know." Grover answered. As Grover left Abigail sat down on Luna's old bed, head in her hands. She picked up a picture, it was a drawing of Draven, Luna and her together. Draven's face and been colored black and so was hers. She silently cried into her hands.

Thalia who had heard Grover walked towards her friend. "Who's Luna?" She asked. "Luna, isn't that the girl who got claimed on the same day as me?" Percy said digging into his memory. "Yeah, Luna, unclaimed for 6 years before she got claimed, right after Percy." Thalia and Percy nodded. "Where is she now? I never saw her again after I left for the quest." The sea green eyes boy said. "No one knows, she disappeared right after Luke did. Will was the last person to see her. Annabeth and I figured she joined his side. Following him after he left camp."

Zoë checked in on Abigail while the rest put the stuff away. "Are you alright?" Abigail looked at Zoë and smiled. "Yeah I'm fine, this place just brings up some memories, good and bad." Zoë nodded. "I understand, just relax, if you do not feel like it you don't have to participate in the activities." Abigail nodded in reply, getting out of the bed and going unto the top bunk. She pretty quickly fell asleep, being greeted by a nightmare.

She watched as Luna was chained against a wall and getting repeatedly hit in the face, blood dripping from her mouth, nose and a wound on her temple. There were a few freshly healed wounds on her face to. Abigail was forced to watch as someone was beating up her little sister, the one she had left behind. Abigail's view changed as she now saw Luna from the perspective of who was hitting her. But she couldn't do anything other than watch. Watch as she hit her friend again and again and again.

The nightmare ended, as Luna slowly faded away, making way for flames, dancing on the water. Abigail could hear screams, from a voice she hadn't heard in so long. Draven, her one and only love. Tears streamed down her face as she ran towards the boat, but she knew there was no saving him. He sacrificed himself so others could live. After his death she had heard from Beckendorf that Draven made sure the explosion was a small as possible so no one else would get hurt. He was a hero.

Zoë walked into the Artemis cabin and spotted Abigail, crying in her sleep. She walked towards her and gave the crying girl a little nudge. Abigail slowly opened her eyes, wiping away the tears as she looked at Zoë. "Did you need anything?" The lieutenant smiled softly. "No, just checking in on you, I know it's hard returning here." Abigail returned the smile. "Have you heard anything about Luna?" Zoë shook her head. "No, sorry, who was she anyways?" "She was uhm, she was my sister, well like a sister. I was headcounselor of the Hermes cabin when she got to camp. She was just four years old, D-draven and I helped her with a lot, reading, writing, fighting. Basically everything she needed to know. After Draven died and I left camp I never saw her again. My goodbye wasn't a really good one either. I hurt her and I've regretted it ever since." Zoë held Abigails hands, which had started shaking, while she was talking. "We'll find her, if Lady Artemis allows it we might be able to let you and about two others search for her."

Two nights passed, the nightmares hadn't stopped, the same nightmares she had before she left camp and after Draven had died. The new quest was announced and the hunters who would join were being discussed.

"Lieutenant can I talk to you for a second?" Zoë walked towards Abigail. "What is it?" "I think that Luna might be at the same place as Annabeth and Lady Artemis, and I was wondering if I could join the quest." "Are you sure you're ready for that? You haven't been yourself since we got here. And you can't prioritize Luna over the other two, we don't even know on which side she is." Abigail looked down. "I know her, she wouldn't betray this camp, it's her home." "She left her home, and like you said, you haven't talked to her in a long time. I understand you want in on this mission but no, I'm sorry but I won't allow you to go." Abigail's usual calm expression broke, shock and tears starting to form. "Just promise me you'll look for her." Zoë nodded. "I promise."

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