Super Bowl, Baby

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'Fuck, Tay. You look... fuck, baby. Are you trying to kill me?'

Travis sighs as he runs his hand over his face, taking in the sight of Taylor, standing at the top of the stairs, gazing down at him.

'Well no. That would be a little dramatic', she teases, starting her slow descend towards him, wrapping her arms around her neck when she makes it to his side.

'I take it you like the dress, then', she whispers against his mouth, pressing a kiss to his lips as his hands wander up and down her back, one eventually settling just above her ass.

'Oh god, I love it a little too much. So much I can't wait to take it off and see it on our bedroom floor', he teases back, leaning forward for another kiss, but Taylor shakes her head, laughing at his pout.

'No more for you, mister. We have places to be and you have to behave yourself. I'm not rubbing red lipstick off your mouth all night', she scolds, grabbing his hand and striding towards the front door and the awaiting car.

He holds her hand as they are driven to the venue, his eyes roving up and down his fiancée as she gazed out of the window beside him. Tonight was the Chiefs Ring Ceremony, his fourth - celebrating the three peat - but his first with Taylor.

Taylor, who was wearing a black, form fitting gown, one with a daring split up her thigh and a sweetheart necklace, a diamond necklace he'd gifted her for their anniversary around her neck. Her ring finger glinted with her engagement ring he'd given her last summer in Italy, her nails painted a ruby red to match her lips. Her free hand that isn't entwined with his is resting on her midsection, and she smiles over at him when she notices him watching her, moving his hand up.

'He's kicking', she whispers, moving Travis' hand so he can feel it, too, his eyes crinkling into a smile.

'He's excited to celebrate the three peat, alright nah', Travis laughs, his thumb stroking back and forward over Taylor's bump as she leans towards him, requesting a kiss he gladly provides.

He can tell she's nervous, her lack of chatter giving the game away immediately. Tonight was their first red carpet together (unbelievably, in almost two years, it was the first time their schedules really worked in their favour), and it would be the first time they revealed to the world that they were expecting.

Their baby boy was due at the end of September, so there really would be no denying Taylor's pregnancy once they stepped out of the car downtown. They'd decided to keep things under wraps in the beginning, to enjoy the news between themselves and their families, but they'd also mutually decided tonight was the night. Time to share their joy with everyone.

Travis smiles as he thinks about the event, about the Super Bowl back in February. He still has a hard time taking the achievement in - the first team to achieve the three peat, his fourth Super Bowl ring. But the moment he lifted the trophy again wasn't even his favourite part of the day, not even close.

It was when he greeted his mom, then turned to Taylor, his fiancée, her eyes wet with happy tears and she'd wrapped her arms around his neck, whispering right into his ear, mindful of the mic tucked into the seam of his uniform.

'Congrats, Trav. I'm so proud of you, I love you so much', she'd whispered, again and again, pulling back to kiss him properly, before resuming her position with her lips at his ear.

'You're going to be a daddy. I'm pregnant, Travis'.

The words had felt like they'd taken a year to register properly, and he'd pulled her back to look at her and she just nodded, her head bobbing quickly up and down, and he kissed her again, spinning her round and round. The media, of course, thought it was due to the Super Bowl win, but Travis loved that. Loved that it had felt like just the two of them, in their own world, with their own little secret, the best news in the world.

Now, Taylor's nervous little cough snaps him back into reality, and he presses a reassuring kiss to her cheek before hopping out of his side of the car and going round to her door, helping her out, shielding her from the flashing cameras until she's ready.

'Okay. Let's go', she whispers once she's fixed her dress, gladly grasping on to Travis' outstretched hand and following his lead to the makeshift red carpet, where the cameras start to go crazy as soon as they see them, Taylor's free hand resting on her bump.

There's what feels like hundreds of questions shouted at them, but Travis shakes his head and they continue to walk in to the venue, Taylor grateful to see a friendly face in Brittany waiting at the door.

'Hey Britt', she smiles, letting go of Travis to hug her friend, who squeezes her tight.

'You two are breaking the internet already', she whispers, and Taylor chuckles, shaking her head, and they enter the main hall, searching for their seats. She sits beside Brittany, Travis and Patrick opposite them on the other side of the table, and they soon get lost in baby chatter. Brittany had helped organised her baby shower, and was as invested in the progress of the nursery as Taylor was.

The night passed with good food and laughter and fun, and Travis couldn't help but be thankful for his Chiefs family, who had been by his side for so long, and who had adopted Taylor into their company so seamlessly and easily. He also can't help but think that this is his favourite ring ceremony by far: the one with Taylor by his side.

They're presented with the rings, him and Patrick racing to open the box first, and Taylor films him on her phone, laughing at his silly faces and juvenile antics with his best friend. He leans across the table towards her as she giggles, pressing a kiss to her lips as he slips the superbowl ring on to her free finger. 'C'mere, girl', he tugs on her hand, and she obliges, making her way around the table to his side.

He slips his arms around her waist and burrows his head in her neck, kissing gently as she smiles into his shoulder, Super Bowl ring heavy and glinting on her right hand. 'I'm so proud of you, Trav', she whispers, kissing him gently.

'I'm so proud that you're here. And you're supporting me. I love you so much, baby', he replies, his eyes teary, before she kisses him once more and pats his shoulder, an indication to take their seats once again.

When they make it home later that evening, Travis busies himself with making Taylor her requested snack and tea, while she gets ready for bed, her weary feet feeling sore and uncomfortable and her back beginning to ache. When he walks upstairs, he smiles when he sees Taylor, tucked into bed, already sleeping, sporting one of his Chiefs shirts.

He sets her snack on the bedside table before getting ready himself, slipping in beside her and pulling her close, watching as her eyes flutter open to take him in.

'Hmmm, sorry. Baby boy is tired after all the excitement', she half-whispers, her hands coming up to cup his face, stroking the stubble on his cheeks.

'Don't be sorry. You're growing a whole human, Tay. You're allowed to be tired. Thanks for coming tonight', he replies, leaning down to kiss her gently, Taylor eagerly taking the opportunity to deepen it further.

'Hey, I know you didn't get a chance to take the dress off', she whispers, breathless as she pulls back from him moments later. 'Would this shirt do instead?'

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