To the Moon & Saturn (Part 2)

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'Ugh, I feel like he's so low he's going to fall out'.

'Wouldn't that be lucky, though?'

Travis snorts with laughter as he shouts his reply across the room to his wife, but the noise is promptly cut off when they lock eyes and he sees the look on her face.

'Woah, I'm just saying, it would be an easier route than the whole labour and delivery thing'.

'And what would you know about that, Mr my-job-lasted-30-seconds-and-I-don't-have-to-push-a-bowling-ball-out-of-my-body?', she huffs back, crossing her arms in defiance, resting them on top of her bump. She was five days overdue and baby boy was really making them wait - and she was really feeling it.

Travis strides across the room, eyebrows waggling at her, in an attempt to make her laugh. '30 seconds, Tay, really?!'

She laughs despite herself, arms sliding up his chest and around his neck. 'Okay, I may have been exaggerating'.

'I love you, you know that, right? Seeing you, our baby... fuck, Tay, I love you so much', he murmurs in her ear and she practically melts, forgetting all about her previous complaints.

'I know Trav. I love you baby', she whispers back, reaching up to press a kiss to his lips which he immediately deepens.

'Ewwww! Mommy, daddy, stop it!'

They laugh into each other's mouths, Taylor beginning to giggle as she moves to rest her forehead against Travis' chest, before turning towards the kitchen doorway, Willa standing there in her pyjamas.

'Wills, I'm allowed to kiss mommy', Travis protests, pressing another one to Taylor's forehead for good measure, before walking over to Willa and scooping her up in his arms, making her laugh.

'No you're not, it's gross', she counters, failing to hold in her laughter as he tickles her sides, smacking an obnoxious loud kiss on her cheek. 'Daddy!'

He laughs, relenting and setting her down, before she turns to Taylor, her hand reaching out to touch her bump. 'Why is baby brother not wanting to come out yet? Doesn't he want to meet me?'

'Oh honey', Taylor sighs, ruffling her hair. 'Babies just come when they come. He'll be here soon enough though, wait and see. He can't wait to meet you, and Ada'.

'Speak of the devil', Travis laughs, pointing to the baby monitor on the counter that clearly showed their youngest daughter, nearly 2, standing in her crib, yelling for attention. Taylor moves to head back upstairs to tend to her but Travis gets there first, holding his arm out to stop her moving. 'I don't think so, Tay. I'll get her'.

Too tired to argue, she turns back to Willa, and by the time Travis has changed Ada's diaper and brought her downstairs, she's putting cream cheese on his bagel, everyone else's already sitting at their place at the table.

'Good morning sweetheart', she coos at Ada, dropping a kiss to the top of her head as she walks past the toddler sitting in her high chair, before sitting in her seat.

They all sit down to eat, Travis bringing Taylor a cup of raspberry leaf tea to drink (one that she'd consumed every day for the last two weeks in an effort to bring on labour - Travis wasn't willing to point out it wasn't working, yet). Willa chattered away as they ate and Ada attempted to feed Olivia and Benji, Meredith curled up at Taylor's feet. Despite her advancing age, she had been stuck to Taylor like glue throughout the pregnancy, her head resting on her bump while she sat on the couch, just like the last two times she'd been through this. Taylor was soaking it up, enjoying the cuddles, knowing that as soon as the baby was born Meredith would switch allegiance from her to the baby, sleeping by the crib - that was, until the baby could crawl and react and notice she was there, and then she'd stay as far away as possible.

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