thirty two

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cherry wine • hozier

"Malfoy's Mostly Books, huh?" A familiar voice sounded from behind Adalinda, catching her attention as she straightened out a stack of books. She looked back over her shoulder, her eyebrow raised as she caught sight of a familiar pair of round glasses.

"Harry Potter." She grinned, abandoning her work to rush over and pull him into a hug. "I've never been so happy to see you." She huffed out a sigh of relief, pulling away slightly so she could look over his face.

"Yeah, me too." He nodded, swallowing back the nervous lump in his throat. "Never thought I'd say that, but here we are."

"If these last two years have shown me anything, it's to expect the unexpected." She hummed, nodding her head towards the front register so he would follow once she stepped away. Slowly, Harry followed behind, taking his time to admire the work she'd put into her business. "I'm sorry you haven't heard much from me. It's been... a trying time, to say the least." She said, leaning against the counter as she watched the boy take in his surrounding. "I hope that you at least got my owl."

"I did." He nodded, his eyes flickering towards the ground. "Hard to go back to Hogwarts when everything's so different. Thought that maybe it would make me feel better, but I'm beginning to think nothing will."

"For now, you're right." She nodded, tossing him an acid pop from the stash in her desk. Her chest ached at the thought of Sirius, at the thought of what the poor boy had to witness. "No matter what, we're never prepared for loss. What you did Harry... it was a valiant act of love, and even if things ended the way they did, it does not diminish that fact. It does not take away from the goodness of your intent, nor your heart. I say that when things hurt, let them hurt. The only way out is through."

"After all we went through last year—all that you taught me, I should have known better. In some way, I am responsible—" she held up a finger, a pointed stare casted in his direction as she cut him off before he could finish.

"Harry Potter, you and I both know that blame should only be cast in one direction, and it is not yours." She assured him. "What you learned in such a short time... is something not even the greatest of wizards can master. Even if you had mastered it, you more than anyone should know the power The Dark Lord possesses. If he wants something, he will stop at nothing to get it." She paused, taking a step towards him and grabbing his chin in her hand. This way, he could not avoid eye contact, ensuring that he saw the seriousness woven into her expression. "Sirius Black loved you like his own, and despite death, he would never want you blaming yourself. You have to know that he is always here, even if we cannot see him. Grief is heavy, but you're not carrying it alone."

"You know, it's hard to believe that Draco is your brother." At that, she let out a small chuckle, knowing that beneath the surface, they were more alike than anyone knew.

"For a long time, I thought so too." She grinned. "We're on the same side, Harry. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it, but it's imperative for you to know that even if I'm not at Hogwarts, that does not change. Lean on your friends. It's hard to believe that they could understand you in a time like this, and maybe that's true, but they still love you. The worst thing we can be in a time like this is alone."

"Can we continue the lessons? Is it even possible?" She gave a soft nod, her heart aching for the boy that stood before her.

"The other thing I've learned these last few years is that anything is possible." She assured him. "I can arrange for that, so long as you're not too busy."

Petals & Thorns | Fred Weasley (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now