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losin' control • russ

The Hogs Head Inn was a rickety old place. The walls were grimy, the floors dusty, and the people that usually visited were quite scary looking. Addy managed to dupe Graham and Cassius into leaving Hogsmeade early, reminding them of their Transfiguration essays. She said she had to stay to buy Draco and Christmas gift. She almost laughed at the number of times she used her brother as a reason to abandon her friends. The excuse worked every time. When she walked in, she immediately remembered the last time she was present. The same night she pledged her allegiance to The Order. She saw students already crowding, students from every house but her own. She was the only Slytherin. Addy was met by the smiling faces of Fred and George. Her presence was growing on her boyfriends twin more and more each day. Now, he would consider her a friend.

"Hey, guys." She took a seat beside Fred, closer than she would anyone else. She placed a hand on her leg, which he did with his own. They were close enough to touch fingers, but not enough to hold hands. She was warming to the idea of a public relationship, but wasn't completely comfortable with it just yet. Fred was letting her call the shots. He was okay with whatever she wanted. She saw Tyler across the room and gave him a mischievous smile.

"What brings you in here?" The two asked, grinning at her.

"I may reckon it's the same reason you guys are here." She offered.

"Geez, Head Boy and Head Girl? Dumbledore needs to pick better rule enforcers." George quipped, causing her to chuckle.

"Maybe he picked just right. After all, now you don't have to worry about being caught by us." She reminded. He gave a nod of understanding and brought his attention back to Harry, Hermione and Ron. Fred stood and went to the bar, asking the angry employee for twenty-five butterbeers. The reluctant man brought out twenty five bottles and Fred took them around, giving everybody one.

"Cheers," he smiled. "Now cough up, everyone. I haven't got enough gold for all of these." He said. Everyone rummaged through their pockets to give him the money. He took the coins and handed them a bottle. When he reached Addy, he refused the money and instead, gave a goofy smile. "Not you, git." He returned to his seat beside her. "What's a guy good for if he can't get his girlfriend a drink?" He whispered. Her cheeks burnt red as she took it gratefully.

"Thanks, Freddie." Her attention turned to Neville Longbottom, who had greeted Harry. Hermione began to speak.

"Well, er, hi." She started. All of the students gave her a nod of greeting. "Well, you all know why you're here. Well, Harry here had the idea—" she was cut off by him giving her a glare. "I had the idea that it might be good if people who wanted to study Defence Against the Dark Arts—and I mean, really study it, you know, not the rubbish Umbridge is doing with us." She was cut off by a 'hear, hear' by Anthony Goldstein. "Well, I thought it would be good if we, well, took matters into our own hands." She paused, looking around. "By that, I mean learning how to defend ourselves properly, not just in theory, but doing the real spells—" she was cut off again.

"You want to pass your Defence Against the Dark Arts OWL too, though, I bet?"

"Well, of course I do. But more than that, I want to be properly trained in defence because... because Lord Voldemort is back." There were a chorus of reactions around the room. Adalinda stiffened at the name. Fred put a comforting hand on her knee, giving it a slight squeeze. In following her statement, Zacharias Smith began a heated argument about whether or not he was back. Hermione began stuttering a response, who was cut off by Harry. He argued that he wasn't there to convince everyone about Voldemort's return.

"Listen to him." Addy piped up. "He isn't lying." Heads turned towards her. Zacharias gave her a snide look. Harry gave her an appreciative one.

"And you'd know?" He jabbed. Fred gave him a glare.

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