Esther Again

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As I soaked in the warm water, I couldn't shake off the image of Chichi sleeping peacefully on
the couch. I wondered what it would be like to wake up next to her every morning, to see her
smile first thing every day. I pushed the thoughts aside, reminding myself that she was my
step-sister, and it was wrong to feel this way.
After my bath, I went downstairs to eat the noodles Chichi had made. She was still sleeping,
and I didn't want to disturb her. I sat down at the table, savoring the delicious taste of the
noodles, and couldn't help but think of Chichi's culinary skills. She was an amazing cook, and I
felt grateful to have her as a part of my life.
As I finished my meal, I glanced over at Chichi, who was still sleeping peacefully. I felt a pang of
desire and admiration for her, and I knew I had to get out of there before I did something I would
regret. I retired to my bed, trying to distract myself with a book, but my mind kept wandering
back to Chichi.
As I lay there, Just as I was drifting off to sleep, lost in thoughts of my step-sister Chichi, my
phone rang, shattering the silence. I hesitated for a moment before picking up, and was
surprised to hear Esther's cheerful voice on the other end.
"Hey, what's up?" she asked, her tone bubbly as always.
I tried to shake off the lingering thoughts of Chichi and focus on the conversation. "Not much,
just chillin' at home," I replied, attempting to sound casual.
Esther chattered on about her day, and I found myself getting drawn into the conversation. She
was easy to talk to, and I enjoyed listening to her stories. But then, she dropped a bombshell.
"Hey, I was thinking, why don't you come over to my place on Sunday? We can hang out, watch
movies, and just have fun. You can stay over for 24 hours, it'll be like a sleepover!"
I was taken aback by the invitation, but a part of me was excited at the prospect of spending
time with Esther.
"That sounds like a blast," I said, trying to contain my enthusiasm. "What time should I come
We made plans for Sunday, and then Esther started gisting about school and our classmates. I
found myself laughing and joking with her, feeling a sense of normalcy wash over me. For a
while, I forgot about Chichi and the confusing feelings I had been experiencing.
But as the conversation wore on, my eyelids began to droop. I tried to fight it, but sleep was
calling my name. Esther was still chatting away, oblivious to my struggles.
"Esther, I...I think I'm going to..." I trailed off, my voice barely above a whisper.

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