Counting to 60

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Every cell in my body was in the verge of jumping out of my skin. Perez had said it himself, he was taking me home. I knew it was a lie, but my body yearned to jump up and down in joy nonetheless. Even when I told myself, that Perez would try to kill me, my body was full of anticipation and adrenaline. It was difficult to sit still, but I forced myself to look out the window and study the property.

We drove past the main house on the compound. It was a couple of stories and ranch style. I figured it was Galvan's home and headquarters. The drive curved and I saw the chain link fence with coils of barbed wire balanced on top. At the driveway's mouth, a guy with a cowboy hat opened a gate and we drove through.

"You're excited. So am I." The creep said beside me, no doubt taking notice of my fidgety behavior. Perez scowled at me in the rear view mirror. There was a whole conversation there. The creep believed that they were going to kill me and he was excited at that fact. Perez had a plan, and I was completely out of my league. I realized that if the plan didn't work, I would probably end up dead and Perez would bear the consequences of his betrayal.

The roadside whisked past outside the car windows in a blur of withered greens and yellow. I felt nauseous and wished for my mom or even to be subject to a surprise test in school.

The creep snickered and I wanted to get as far away from him as I could.

I don't know how far, we had driven, when Perez turned down a side road. Panic set in. My pulse thundered at my temples. I willed myself to get ready and think clearly, but I felt like a lamb led to slaughter. Perez stopped the car.

"Why did you stop?" Small beads of sweat already dotted my hairline.

Perez opened my door.

"Get out."

My hands shook as I undid the seatbelt and slid out of my seat. In the next minutes, I would either die or survive the attempt to smoke me. I swallowed.

"What are we doing here?" I tried, but my voice broke in the middle. Perez' expression was closed off. He pushed me towards the side of the road in to the shrubs.

"Let me help," the creep trilled and took a hold of me. He forced me into the high grass away from the asphalt of the road. The ground was uneven. He was too close. I could feel the warmth of his body behind me. He turned me around so that I was facing him.

"Such wide eyes, little vixen." He almost purred as he straightened my hair away from my face. He looked at the bruise on my throat and smiled,

"We could have so much fun," he traced the bruise with his fingers. I tried to jerk away and remove his hand, but that only made him seize my throat in his grasp. I stilled. He could choke me right now and then it wouldn't matter if I held my breath. The realization of his power must have been evident in my eyes, as he smiled at me with a smile that told me of his proclivities for pain and evil. He pushed me backwards, making me stumble and returned towards the road.

Perez gave me a minuscule nod and unleashed his smoke in my direction. I looked to either side, but the shrubbery and uneven ground made running next to impossible. The smoke was heavy and in my face. I tasted it and felt my airway constrict.

Hold your breath and count to 60.

The smoke forced me to my knees as I started to count in my head.

1. 2. 3. 4.

The world collapsed inward, so it was only me, my heartbeat, and the smoke. It stung in my eyes and I felt tears.

Hold your breath. 8. 9. 10. 11. The prospect of counting to 60 seemed impossible. My entire body vibrated with every heartbeat. My lungs screamed for air. I fell to the ground and the smoke continued to assault me.

23. 24. 25. I was only halfway. There was no way I could hold my breath for a full minute.

I pulled the pillowcase from my pocket and scrunched it up. I wanted to take a lifesaving gulp of air. 37. 38. 39. I couldn't do that. I sneaked the pillowcase in front of my face and pulled in a breath. The smoky air scratched my airway and my lung wanted more. Every instinct in my body wanted to cough to get the smoke out and air in, but I couldn't.

Pretend you're dead. 49. 50. 51. 52. A little more. There were spots in front of my eyes, so I closed them. I willed myself to stay still and breathe shallowly. 57. 58. 59. 60. Was I still alive?

The onslaught of smoke ended, and the smoke evaporated from the air around me and my clothes. Stay completely still.

I heard Perez and the creep say something, but I couldn't make out the words. Footsteps crunched in the grass as one of them approached me. A foot disturbed me, poking my thigh. I didn't react. It was Perez. He crouched down beside me and felt for a pulse on my neck. It hammered away against his fingers.

"She's gone," he said over his shoulder before getting up again.

"What a shame," the creep answered. I heard the car door open and close, while Perez crunched his way back to the road. Another door opened and close. The engine roared to life. Perez turned the car around and sped away.

The echo of the car and gravel flying up and landing again hung in the air, before buzzing insects and the wind through dry blades of grass took over. I stayed still for a long time, introducing clean air to my lungs again. My body trembled. It worked. I was still alive and I was free.

The sun had changed position in the sky, when I finally dared to leave the shrubbery and set foot on the asphalt.

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