two saviors of different worlds

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Earth. Unremarkable, isn't it?

Home to an unremarkable person. He had just woken up, looking at his alarm clock, already not wanting to get out of bed. He sighed, got up, and got ready for another unremarkable day.

After the day had passed, the young man was sitting on the ground, leaning on a tree, with a sketch and clipboard in his lap. He had drawn the city he was living in. He sighed and thought about how he never pictured his life turning out like this. Then, he noticed a white ball of light rise from the ground. Then another. And another. And then a few more. What was going on? He then felt the wind hit him.

Along with the sudden realization that he was falling. Oh shit.

Earth. Dead. No hope in sight. No hope or life for miles. It was all gone. All except one place. And this place had creatures of the old lands. The prehistoric era. A man woke up and got out of his bed.

?: fuck me, I feel stiff.

He decided to go walk on a platform of sorts. Then he flipped a switch and the platform fell out from under him. He fell for a solid ten seconds. When he hit the ground however, the boots he was wearing absorbed the impact without issue. He didn't even bend his fucking knees.

?: god, I love having this suit.

After that, he pulled out a pump action shotgun and racked it, checking for shells and guaging the weight.

?: eight shots. It's time to see what's for brunch.

As soon as he said that, he heard the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps. He turns around and fires the shotgun at a creature.

?: raptor meat. Sure, I've had way worse.

He loads another shell into the shotgun to top it off and drags the buckshot filled carcass to be cooked.

*some time later.*

The man was walking around a building, eating the meal he had prepared.

?: Ah, focal chili. Best way to start the day.

Focal chili. A Rockwell recipe he found. It allows him a clearer mind and lets him focus on the daily tasks he has. At least for a few hours.

?: Ok, let's see...

*Some time later.*

The man had just finished his daily tasks and did a little bit extra. He was now sitting on a ledge overlooking the dead landscape. He lets out a sigh.

?: Why do I keep searching? Am I going mad?

He was trying to find another person. Being the last one standing isn't always the best thing. Earth had billions of people on it. Now, just him. He looks over the edge.

?:........... Maybe...... maybe I should join the rest of humanity. See someone again........ but I can't. This fucking engramic matrix won't let me. But the cloning machines are dead. Maybe I could ascend to a Homo Deus....... wait, shit. I can switch between forms. Forgot about that.

The man groans in annoyance.

?: fucking christ, Hoxton. YOU ALWAYS DO THIS! You go up here, you stare out into the distance, you contemplate somehow killing yourself, and then you go back home to repeat this bullshit again!

The now named person, Hoxton, was about to jump from the ledge. Again. But, as he did, he quickly activated the jetpack in his suit to see a white glowing orb rise from the ground. Then, another appeared by his side. Then another to the other side. Then more started to show up. Hoxton began to freak out.

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