Chapter 4

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A few hours had passed and I was outside with Dad. We were walking around near the cabin looking for twigs or some things to burn so we could have a bonfire for later tonight. So far we found a few small bunches of twigs. As me and Dad walked back to the cabin, a dark blue Dodge pick up truck pulled up to the cabin. "Oh yeah, must be here for the door. I'll go say hi to them, you care to go look for more twigs kiddo? Probably just need one more bunch" I nodded, turning off back into the woods. I had said something to Dad about just chopping up a tree we came across that had fell at some point recently. "I would if I had brought an axe. We would be set for the whole week if that was the case". I walked around for about 15 minutes, having the bunch of twigs fill my arms. As I carried them back to the fire pit, I had thought about if we had even brought the right stuff to make s'mores. Or if Dad literally just brought hot dogs for it. As I emerged from the woods and back towards the cabin, I could hear Dad and what I'm guessing is the owner of the cabin. "Joey! Honey, come here for a second" I rolled my eyes, tossing the bunch of twigs in the fire pit. I KNEW Dad would pull this. He always tries to get me to be social around anyone. I'm not antisocial, but it's just the fact that Dad always does this to me. Mom did too, but it was everything once in a while. And it was mainly when it came to family. I walked up to Dad, and an older man who looked to be maybe a couple years older than Dad. "Well howdy miss Joey, I'm Wallace" he extended his hand out for me to shake, which in return I did. "Oh yeah, this place here is well taken care of. Lots of scenery as you can tell. We got about 5 more around here we watch over. That's on top of a few other businesses in town" I walked towards the cabin, letting Dad talk Wallace's ear off. My Dad always was a talker, but that went hand and hand with his job. They see more of his tougher side at work and in the field than what I do. I think Dad kinda softened up once Mom was gone for a year or two. It was hard talking to him during that time, but it was with me too. We didn't know how to adjust then. As I walked into the cabin, I saw a someone towards the kitchen at the back sliding door. I grabbed a drink from the fridge, and shut the door then started to walk towards the stairs when they called out to me. "Sorry miss, it'll be just 20 minutes and I'll be done". I froze as I started up the first step. No way. There's no way in hell. I slowly peeked over, looking at them. I couldn't see their face but I didn't know what to do. It can't be him, no way in hell. I was froze in place watching him for a minute, trying to get a glimpse of his face. I suddenly jumped, feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I quickly ran up the stairs, going into my room and shutting in. I leaned my back up against the door. I looked at my phone and it was Dad. "Yes?" I answered, wondering why he decided to call my phone. "Would you be opposed to going to a fish fry tonight? Wallace invited us since they only have it once a year." Daaaaaad, why. "Sure, I have no problem with it." I walked over to the window, looking outside towards the wooded area. "Okay kiddo, sounds like a plan. I'll see you inside in a minute then" I pulled the phone away from my ear, hanging up then sighing. More social interaction....
Wait, the guy downstairs. I walked over to my door, then started down the stairs. I peered over the railing to see if he was still there. Nope, but the tools were. I walked down, going to the window by the front door and peeking outside. Dad and Wallace were still talking, but so was the guy. But I couldn't see his face still, his back towards me. I groaned, frustrated. I swear, it could be Andrew. Wait, why am I even thinking about him? I shook my head a little, deciding to go back to my room. I highly doubt that what he said to me in my dream was even remotely possible. I was just wigging out for no reason. I looked at the time, deciding to just take my shower now since Dad is now going to have us go out to a fish fry now. But, he never gets to do this. So, I guess I can suck it up for one evening.

"Are you sure you are okay with us going?" I jumped into the passenger seat, looking over at Dad. "I am fine with it Dad, I swear. Just don't expect me to be social Barbie there" I clicked my seatbelt in as he was backing out. "I talked a deal with Wallace and he's totally fine with us having a whole week each year to come here. Same cabin and everything. You think that's good?" "Yeah, it is. We could always switch it up too and go a week later in the summer time too or whatever. You know how your work can get crazy suddenly" "Yeah true, but I'm thinking we should do more things together like this. In like 5 years, you'll be your own person and not living with me anymore. Seeing the world on your own time, all that" I nodded, scrolling through my phone. Everyone was posting about their graduations or graduation parties, or their college stuff. It honestly made me wanna barf at seeing all of it. It was so typical. A few moments had passed then Dad spoke up. "I talked to Wallace's son too, did you get to meet him?" "Sadly no, I didn't. He was pretty occupied with the sliding door" Which now that I thought of it, did they even fix it all the way? "Well, maybe you'll meet him when we get there. He's a bit older than you but he seems to have a leveled head" I knew what he was he was suddenly doing. "Daaaad, you are not gonna set me up with anyone!" I whined as I seen him chuckle. "I'm just saying, he's not half bad looking either" I groaned, looking out the window. "You know I'm just pulling your tail. It's not a bad thing putting yourself out there though. I'd rather that then you fighting any guys though.." I laughed a little, looking at Dad as he smiled a little. We traveled for about 20 minutes until we finally drove through a smaller sized town. Breemen, huh? Most of the buildings were older styled. I noticed the people out, walking around the sidewalks. We finally pulled into a parking lot that was almost completely full. I looked around as I got out, seeing the banners and other decor put up. I followed Dad as we headed into the nearby building. As we walked in, the smell of fried fish and beer hit my nose. I looked at Dad, seeing his reaction. He actually looked pretty happy. "I'll look for Wallace, he should be around. Want to grab us a sandwich?" He handed me some money, taking it and heading towards the food area. There were two older women seated in front of a table, handling the money. "Just for two sandwiches" I said to one of them, as I handed them the money. I looked around more, as she handed me the change back. "Just down there for pick up" She pointed down at the other end. I walked over, standing in a line of a few people. It wasn't just older people here, I could tell it was a mix. They had older country music playing in the background, but could be barely heard over all the commotion and talking of people. As I got to the front of the line, I was handed both the sandwiches. They were super hot and fresh. I thanked the older man who handed them to me, and headed off to find Dad. About a few minutes of looking, I headed out to the patio area and found Dad and Wallace sitting at a table talking. "Well looky there, your girl found us after all!" I sat down, handing Dad his sandwich at Wallace's sentence. Dad nodded at me, looking at his sandwich. "I think I'll head up there and have me a drink or whatever the hell they're serving tonight. You guys want something?" Wallace slowly got up, looking towards the inside. "Just grab me one of what you're having. Joey will probably just want a Coke". Wallace adjust his cowboy hat then headed back inside. "You just missed his son, he literally was here a minute before you came" I took a bite out of my sandwich, just shrugging my shoulders. I looked out towards the parking lot, seeing people leaning up against their cars or trucks either talking or smoking. Kids running around chasing around one another like they were playing a game of tag. A few with sparklers in their hands, laughing at the sighting of them. I pulled my phone out, just trying to pass some time. That's when Wallace showed back up, with two bottles of Coors Light and a can of Coke. "Here we are, it sure is getting pretty routy in there" I opened my drink, drowning out Dad and Wallace talking about Wallace's jobs and how Breemen is. I was honestly bored and felt like a third wheel, but we never did anything like this.
I had already finished my sandwich and half of my drink, when Dad got up to use the bathroom. Wallace had a few older people standing by the table talking and laughing with him. I decided now was a time to check out what else there was to do around here. I walked inside, honestly looking to see if I could find Dad. But I had no luck. As I made my way towards the front entrance, a clearly drunken guy runs into me. I practically, and him back noticing how off balanced he is. "Shit, sorry lady. I guess I've had one too many to drink here" He was a heavy set guy, definitely in his late 30's with a beer in his hand still. I just shrugged it off, trying to walk past him but he stepped back in front of me. "I said I was sorry? Did ya not hear?" Well shit, of course he's gonna be like this. I calmly looked at him, and smiled. "It's not a problem sir". I could tell he didn't like my response. I turned my head back towards the door, taking a few steps that way before someone whipped me around by my shoulder. "I'll buy you a drink missy, let's go this way" I dug my heels in the ground, not moving as he tried moving me. He instantly looked pissed off. "What the hells wrong with you? Don't you want a drink?" I crossed my arms at the guy, shaking my head. "I don't drink beer. Not old enough, but even if I was I wouldn't want anything from you being so rude and drunk" He looked shocked at my reply, then he pointed his finger in my face. "Listen here prissy ass, I'm not afraid to put you in your place" "And I'm not afraid to knock an old man on his ass" His face started to get red, his grip getting tighter around his beer. That's when I was shoved backwards, falling on the floor. Oh fuck no, that didn't just happen. I moved my hair out of my face looking up at the guy. I quickly got back up and was about to go after him with my fists balled up when someone suddenly got in front of me, grabbing the guy by the neck of his shirt and throwing him up the corner of the wall. Only a few people looked over and noticed, but acted like it was no big deal. "Don't you EVER lay a hand on a woman again, you understand me?" I looked at the taller, muscular guy who had the older guy up on the wall. His back was towards me, which I didn't care. He nodded his head quickly at him, being dropped back down to the floor. I rushed past them, not even thanking the guy for sorta saving my ass. I walked out the entrance, heading towards the sidewalk, looking to see if there was a place to sit down. I walked around the corner, seeing an old bus bench and sat down. I steadied my breathing, trying to calm my anger down. I put my face in both of my hands, feeling myself getting worked up. I sat there for what felt like several minutes before I heard someone clearing their throat. I stayed in the same position, just hoping they would ignore me. Not even sure if it was towards me "Hey miss, are you alright?" I sat my hands back down in my lap, looking up and my heart fell down to my stomach like a heavy brick. Andrew. His reaction looked to be the same as mine, but he quickly looked away. "I'm good, thanks" I turned away, acting as if I had never met him before. I could feel his glance back on me, burning a hole in my back. Then I started to hear my name being called from a distance. I looked down the corner and seen Dad jogging towards me. "Are you alright? I heard what happened, did he hurt you?" He was frantically looking around my arms and hands, then looking around my head. "I'm good, I promise" I looked at him, and seen the worry on his face. He stood back up, sighing then looked back at Andrew. "Heard you took care of the dumbass who gave her a problem" Dad said towards Andrew. "Yes sir, I wasn't going to just let the asshole put his hands on her. He was drunk" He stood for moment, giving him a stern look. Then he smiled at him, giving him a thumbs up. What was he doing? I really wish Dad would go away, and that so would Andrew. I feel like this could be a dream I'm having, but I'm very much awake by the way my body is feeling. "Did you want to go Joey? I know Wallace won't mind" I was about to answer, but stopped myself. "No, I think I just need a minute" I peered over at Andrew, giving him the death stare. "Okay you do that, just come find me when you are ready to go" He said as he walked back. I rubbed my face into the palm of my hands, making sure I actually was awake. He looked amused, giving me a small smile. "Well, isn't this just lovely" I said, standing up finally crossing my arms. He adjusted his cowboy hat, smiling at me. "I'm sorry, have we met before?" He smirked at me, as I rolled my eyes at him. "Cut the crap, you know exactly who I am" I said to him, as I looked back towards where everyone else was. I looked back at him, noticing he was just watching me. "So what, NOW you come to take my soul?" He laughed at my question, shaking his head. "You are still on that kick that I'm the grim reaper? C'mon" I groaned a little, just starting to walk past him towards where Dad went. I am not in the mood for this shit. "Wait, Joe-" "No! You just...go away. Back to my dream world" I huffed as I quickly turned around, pointing at him. "Nope, you're stuck with me. Shouldn't have tested it" You have got to be kidding me. I whipped back around, quickly walking back towards the parking lot to look for the car. As I walked up to the passenger side, Andrew quickly jumped in front of me out of breath. "Please, just let me talk for a damn minute" He exhaled, putting his hands up in front of his chest in defense. He was a good foot taller than what I was, so I had to look up at him. "This is crazy, I just need to go back and-" He quickly put his hand over mine, as I grabbed the door handle. I peered up at him, looking into his dark green eyes. Looking at them suddenly made me feel...calm. We stood a good minute looking at each other in silence, before I finally gave up my grip on the door handle. "So, your Wallace's son" I meekly blurted out to break the silence. "Yes I am" I tilted my head up, then slowly leaned back on my right heel and spun around slowly. I started walking away, but could hear him following behind me. I turned back around, stopping suddenly in my tracks. He followed suit, standing toe to toe with me. "What are you, a lost little puppy?" I whined at him. "Not really, but I think you are" I groaned at his reply, seeing a smirk appear on his face. "Fine, what do you want? I'll do whatever to get you to leave me be" He raised his eyebrows, then cleared his throat at me. "Anything?" I realized I had made an error in what I said. Well, shit. "Within reason" I crossed my arms at him. Knowing that, he couldn't be slick around what I said now. "Okay, let me check something first" He said, pulling his phone out of his back pocket. It looked like he was typing, then stop for a few moments. He was staring at his screen, then put it back in his pocket. "Okay, let's go I'm driving" He said, turning away from me going to the parking lot again. I stood there confused, then walked towards him. "What makes you think I'll go with you?" I called out to him. "Your Dad said you could, I asked" I slowed down walking, processing what he just said. He did WHAT. "Bullshit, you're lying" I called out as he stopped at an old red Dodge Ram truck. "Here, look for yourself" He said tossing me his phone over the bed of the truck. I caught it, giving him a weird look. I looked down, and sure enough he wasn't lying. He had my Dad's number right and everything. "Now you have to come with me cuz I showed you. AND, you have my phone" He smirked as he climbed into the truck and started it up. This is stupid. I kept saying it over and over in my head, as I climbed in his truck. I tossed the phone over into his lap, as I put the seat belt on.

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