Chapter 2

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Dad ended up being at work later than expected, which was not too pressing for me. I was enjoying my me time at the house. By the time it hit about 8pm, that's when he called.
"Hey, I know what you're going to say but please don't be mad at me kiddo" I heard the defeat in his voice, knowing he had probably did everything he could to try and get done at work as fast as he could to get home. "Dad it's fine honestly. I know how work can get, so don't get too upset". "I know but still it was your graduation day, and god knows when the next time we'll be able to have a hang out time together. Every time I think things are going to be better at work, something always-" "Dad, it's alright. Just...pull some of your vacation time and-" "I know...I should. It's just the last time we ever did anything like me taking off from work was when...your mom was still here." I paused for a moment to realize he was right. Dad hasn't taken a day off of work in forever. I'm surprised they haven't made him try to use up some of it, that kinda stuff stacks up and anyone would have taken advantage of it by now. My family knows it too but they know Dad is stubborn over his job.
"How about this, I can look into it first thing tomorrow when I go back in? Pretty sure I know how to put it all into the system, and we both know they'll let it happen. So you brain storm of somewhere and we can go from there" I hear the hopefulness in his voice. He is really wanting to do this. "Sure, you got it. Still not afraid of sleeping in an old fashioned tent are you?" Dad's laughter boasted, making me smile a little. "If that's what you wanna do, I'll try it. But you know we got the means to get a cabin. It's summertime so you know you won't stand the heat for too long." He was right, summertime was my least favorite season of the year. I loved the wintertime the most. "I guess a cabin would be suitable for us this time. I'll look some places up online and let you know" "Alright sounds like a plan. Hey I'll see you shortly at home, but I'll probably just go ahead to bed. So, you get some rest now after today" I nodded as I walked myself into my bathroom, flipping the lights on. "I'll see ya, love ya Dad" "Love you too kiddo".

I laid back on my bed, and opened my laptop and started looking at cabin spots. I tried places around where we lived, but of course everything was booked up for a month or longer. Okay...let's try a little further. My screen popped up a few places and luckily there was hope for a spot. Newly renovated log cabins, some of them were definitely too fancy to even consider for. That's when I found it, a log cabin right by the small
lake. With a fire pit, and a small boat ramp. That's the stuff dad will like to have. I scroll through the pictures of the inside and everything was super cleaned up. Two upstairs rooms, both with their own bathrooms. A huge living room area, but a smaller sized kitchen. I noticed there wasn't really a dinning room but it looked like that was more out in the back on the porch area. I looked at the pricing and booking for it, and all I seen was next week opened up. I sighed, slouching my chin in my hand thinking if dad could do that. Well, why the hell not? I went ahead and filled it out for the booking and in less than a second, it was sent. I sent it to dad, with the dates attached hoping it would work out for him to go. He deserves this, more than he probably realizes. For the next hour, I got myself changed for bed then laid down scrolling through videos on my phone. Most of them were of me and dad when I had first gotten my phone, so of course I cringed a little at the site of younger me. I did NOT know how to hold my phone steady at all. Or to keep the camera in focus. That's when I went through the photos I had of me and mom. I paused for a moment not knowing how much I could take seeing them after today being graduation. Then a messages popped up on my phone from dad. Just a thumbs up to the log cabin I sent him. At this point, I put my phone under my pillow and shut off my light and slowly drifted off into sleep. Only wanting to think about the joy of finally being out of least for the summer. Oh shit, I still have to decide what I'll be doing in the fall...oh well. Too tired to think now.

I see myself at a diner, well outside in the parking lot of one. I raised my eyebrows wondering where the hell I was since this obviously wasn't a place I recognized. Suddenly, a loud crack of thunder erupted...then a downpour of rain. "Really?" I looked up at the sky, instantly pissed off. That's when I ran towards the diner doors to get out of being soaking wet in my clothes. I looked around at the place and of course the diner waitress waved to me and smiled. "Sit anywhere you like sweets, I'll get to you in a split" She walked back towards the kitchen with her slips of orders in hand. I just looked and notice only a few old people were in the very few booths they had. This place hasn't changed in what looked like since the 80's. I sat down in the booth closest to the door, staring outside the window at the rain. Only one or two cars were parked outside and looked like they were from the 80's too. Jesus, where the hell am I? "Okay sweets, you decide on a drink?" I jumped in my seat to look back at the middle aged woman with a small smile on her face. "Sure, just a water" "And you having anything from the kitchen today?" I quickly looked down at the faded out menu in front of me and just picked something random. "I guess a side of fries..for now" the waitress raised an eyebrow as she quickly wrote on her notepad. "Okay you hang tight, I'll be right back" She nodded her head then walked away. I just tapped my fingers along on the table, wondering why in the hell I was having this type of dream. I usually have dreams that don't make any sense to me at all. Like running around in an ice cream truck, and being chased by police and then ending up back at home and the cops being suddenly gone and not in the ice cream truck anymore. Or being in the car and a dog is driving and talking to me in Spanish....yeah don't ask. That's when I heard the door swing open and the air hitting the back of my head from it. I almost turned around to see who it was, but I minded my business. Then, the footsteps. You could tell the person had wet boots on from the sound it made with the floor. "You're in my booth, lady" I sat still but was instantly annoyed with hearing that from behind me. I ignored the asshole, clearly waiting for me to move, just putting my attention on the ketchup and mustard bottles by the window. The footsteps came closer, and then I could feel the guy standing right beside me. I looked down and noticed his wet, black boots on the ground. "Hey, did you hear me?" I snapped my head up looking at the said asshole. He was wearing a black cowboy hat, sunglasses and a red flannel shirt that was tuck in his jeans. He looked to be in his early twenties, and was clean shaved. He slowly pulled the sunglasses down, getting a good look at my pissed off face. "My my what do I get the pleasure of this...I think I know you from somewhere" His smooth voice sent chills over me, I surely do not know this asshole. "Um, no you don't" I looked back out the window noticing the rain was not letting up at all, then a crack of thunder and lightning. That's when the waitress came back, dropping off my water and fries. "I'll have what she's having Tammy" I literally shot a look of confusion at the guy. "I'll get in for you sweetie!" As she walked away from the booth. "Mind if I sit here?" He already had slide in the booth, sitting across from me. A hint of his cologne hit me, which was almost what my dad wore to work. "Look, I'm not sure who you think I am but I-" "Andrew" He extended his hand out in front of me, I blandly looked at it then crossed my arms across my chest. He smiled, taking his sunglasses off and sitting them on top of his hat. "I take it you don't like talking to people?" "Not people I don't know" He chuckles and then proceeds to sit back and cross his arms like me. "What brings you here, just passing through or...?" I roll my eyes, sitting back up and ignoring the question by drinking my water. "Hey, listen. I promise I'm not some creep-" "Well see, that makes me think you are now that you brought it up and said it" He just sat looking at me, shocked with my response. He sat for a minute, watching me. I would look over once or twice just to see if he was still paying attention. "Here you are Andrew, always nice see you". The waitress dropped off another water and plate of fries. "Oh yes, I'll never get tired of coming here" He smiled and nodded his hat towards her. "Oh and her tab is on me" He called out as she walked away. He looked back at me with a smile, then picked up and French fry studying it in his fingers. "You know, I get a sense that you don't know where you're at" I sighed and shook my head. That's it, I'm over this weird shit. I slide out of the booth, then digging in my pockets hoping I hade my phone. Of course not, it's a dream. I just walk to the door and swing it behind me towards the bathroom. It was only a shared family type of one that was clearly outdated. I walk over to the sink and turn on the water and splash my face with some water. C'mon, wake up already. I sighed and grabbed some paper towels to dry my face. That's when I notice a face looking at me in the mirror. I spin around, facing the cowboy hat guy. "You sick or something?" "What? Fuck off, I didn't invite you in here" I walked back towards the second sink, standing my ground in case he tried something. He raised an eyebrow at me then looked down at my feet then ran his eyes all the way up me. I got chills again, trying to figure out what this guy was planning. "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to make sure you are seem lost is all" I can tell by the tone of his voice his was sincere. "Thanks but no thanks, I can look after myself. I'm pretty capable" I looked behind the guy at the door to see if it was locked. Of course, it's just a swing open one with no lock. What kind of diner doesn't have a bathroom with a lock? "Do you need me to call someone for you? Or-" "No, I'm fine. Can you just, give me a minute alone please?" "Sure" He nodded his head and pushed the door open, but stopped halfway. "Wait, you never gave me your name" I rolled my eyes and sighed. "It's Joey" He turned back to look at me over his shoulder. "Nice to meet you Joey" Then he walked out.

I woke up, gasping and sitting up in bed. Sunlight was peaking in through my window onto my bed. I groaned and stretched up my arms. Grabbing my phone, I looked to see it was just about 8. I flopped my head back down on my pillow, looking around my room. I already knew dad had taken off to work for the day, so now I get the joy of figuring out what to do for MY day.


Okay, not much for me to really update with this chapter. Just a little note this time, I hope it's not too boring. I promise, it'll definitely get better. I just don't rush into all the action in one chapter like a few writers do ^.^

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