Chapter 1

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I know what you are wondering, how is the beginning of this story going to start? I wish i could tell you. I'm no ecstatic person or one might deem "creative" in that way. In other ways, yes i am. I guess that's how i can get into trouble sometimes. Let me start off saying this, I am far from being a stuck up girl. I have a dude name for god's sake, Joey, I guess my mom kinda knew I'd end up more of a tomboy so she decided to just give me that kind of name. Who knows. My dad gets humor out of it some days. No so much anymore since I'm all grown up now. Oh there we go, that gives me an idea. How about we start here? Ha, you'll get a kick out of it.

"Joey, come on you're going to be late! The ceremony starts at 11". "Yeah okay dad just give me a second? It's hard enough that I have to look halfway decent for once in my life". My dad poked his head in my room to see me with my hairbrush stuck in a big knot of my hair. "For the love of god Joey, what did you-" "Dad just go sit in the car, or something I got it". He sighed and I heard him walk away from my room. I sat in my computer chair as I looked in my mirror, continuing to comb out the knot of hair I managed to get from not combing it the last oh I don't know, two weeks? Don't get me wrong, I showered and stuff, just never bothered to comb it since i always had it up in a messy ass bun for school everyday. As far as today though, it wasn't allowed. I was graduating high school, thank fucking god. My school had a strict dress code for today, involving all the girls to have their hair down. Which was not my luck as you can probably tell with my current situation.

After a good 10 minutes, I finally freed my hair up to where I could have it down. I hated my hair down, it was long and a dirty blonde. I never bothered to cut it anymore after my mom passed away. I don't know anything when it comes to hair, and neither did dad. So i kinda have said "fuck it" with my hair. I slipped on some white flats, grabbed my blue cap and gown, and walked out the door. "Wow my daughter looks like an actual human being" I shook my head as I got into my dads Jeep. "Yeah just for me to get this stupid diploma. If it wasn't for Mrs.Truce I'd be walking across the stage in my ripped jeans and a tank top". "Well I'm glad you're not rebelling against that. At least long enough to you know, graduate. After that, I know it'll be a different story". I rolled my eyes and shut my mouth because I knew where my dad was just trying to start an argument. I wasn't gonna have it today. I just wanted to get this done and over with.

As I adjusted my cap, standing in the graduation line, I realized that after today I would have to be giving my dad an answer of what I will be doing now for the rest of my life. I honestly don't have any clue. I already know what he wants to hear from me. I mean the only school I applied to and got accepted at was Flagler. Should have been there to see the look on my dads face when i opened up my letter. He was happy, but upset at the same time. He says different but I saw how he reacted that day. The ceremony music starts to play, and the line starts to slowly move. I missed the ceremony practice, oops, so I hope I don't screw up and sit in the wrong seat. The entire auditorium was filled, and more. Parents, siblings, grandparents, and random ass people all over. I couldn't see where dad was, of course. So he'd be getting only pictures of me walking on stage. That was it, I only had dad watching me graduate today. My grandparents lived all the way in Iowa, dad already got a message from them today to tell me congrats and good luck on my future. My uncle Stan sent me an e-mail last week from Hawaii saying he couldn't make it, he was still on his business trip, but sent his luck. That was about it. We hardly seen family anymore, since mom is gone. "Welcome friends and family. We gather on this wonderful day to see the class of 2017 receive their hard earned diplomas and move forward into their bright futures!". That was all my mind could take in before I zoned out the rest of the time until it was my rows turn to stand and approach the stage to get our diplomas. I was probably seconds away from stepping on stage when I saw my principal, Mrs.Truce, drop her smile a little bit. "Joey Steven". I walked my fake smile, happy ass up on stage and shook her hand and gladly took my diploma. I knew she doubted me graduating. But I got my ways and got through it AND got into college. She honestly should be happy this is the last time she has to see my face. I had seen her face the past 4 years way too often.I quickly scanned for my dad and didn't have any luck. So I just stood in one spot, on my phone, until he finally found me. He looked aggravated by the crowd and that's when I knew it was time to get out of this hell hole.

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