The truth: chapter 44

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"We never wanted to abandon you but, we thought you died

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"We never wanted to abandon you but, we thought you died." Kiara said.

"It's best if I tell you this, with Sanjana and Sara it's only fair." Kiara said and Sanaya texted Sanjana to arrive at the location and somehow make an excuse and bring Sara with her.

Once they both arrived and were sat down Kiara began.

"This story started ages ago from the time of my birth, my mother used to work in a brothel and that's how she conceived my older half sister Ishani Vihan Raghuvanshi, she hated Ishani and abused her for years she eventually got pregnant with me and hated me even more and wanted to sell me to human traffickers.

Ishani was 10 at the time but she ran away to an orphanage where me, Ishani and Priyu Di were raised. 

Everything was going fine, Ishani had a law firm of her own, Priyu Di became a successful paediatrician. I just about began my MBA.

Then a storm called Raghuvanshi's entered our life's Ishani got married to Vihan Raghuvanshi and my Priyu di got married to Vivaan Raghuvanshi and became Priya Vivaan Raghuvanshi.

They all eventually fell in love, I insulted Yuvaan the youngest son of the Raghuvanshi's so he took it too his heart and faked loving me and I fell in his trap and got pregnant with his kid, when he told me it was all fake I was shattered but then I decided to tell my sisters.

I went and told them Ishani insulted me and said many bad things to me and kicked me out Priyu di was just quiet as she at the time recently gave her daughter away because the Raghuvanshi's wouldn't accepts females.

She had to choose between her husband and her daughter so she chose her husband.

I gave birth to my son but he was a stillborn, I then also attempted killing myself.

A few years passed I met Dev as his personal assistant became close to Sara eventually resigned my job then got drunk and pregnant with Advik and Sanaya we then had a contract put in place which was I would keep the pregnancy and he will help me get revenge on the Raghuvanshi's

We both fell in love and our revenge plan was going well, till we found out Priyu di and that ishani were getting abused.

I then manipulated Yuvaan and made him believe I was still in love with him, and then on the perfect opportunity we threw him off a flying jet.

Ishani backstabbed us and Kidnapped me and Sara, I was forced to choose between Sara and my kids in my womb.

I knew that just because I am having my own kids it doesn't give me the right to be selfish so I chose Sara.

Turns out they were talking about killing them, Vihan ruthlessly shot Sara in her heart.

They wanted me to give birth there suffering for their plan.

So they called Priyu di there who looked lifeless and broken.

I was stunned that is the same person that used to dance on Sheila ki jawani every Friday because she got paid.

She told them all to leave the room so she could have me give birth to my babies.

She lied, as she first treated Sara then had me give birth.

She regretted giving her daughter away for such monsters and wanted to see her daughter as a successful doctor.

Vivaan got angry at that and ruthlessly killed her without blinking even once.

I don't think he ever loved her, I then heard a gun shot and heard him Vihan threatening to shoot Sara and I fainted.

Me and Advik were flung on a road and he burned the building with Sanaya and Sara in it.

My heart kept telling me that you both were alive, but my brain was like be logical." Kiara completed

"Gosh they all are so pathetic." Sanaya said annoyed.

"I am not mad at you guys, it was never your fault I just wish you both found me earlier." Sanaya said.

"Did you say her name was Priya Vivaan Raghuvanshi?" Sanjana asked.

Kiara nodded.

"Good I've got information on her, I moved to her old cabin and found her nameplate later I discovered her diary but kept it in a safe. Now that we know the truth we shouldn't stay quiet we need give the innocent woman justice and you guys is well." Sanjana said.

"Aren't we already taking revenge on the Agnivasnhi's ? Sanaya asked.

"We are only taking revenge from Vikansi and Reyaansh, and Ranvijay, Ranveer and Rajeev will help us execute our plan against them. The more powerful people we have the easier win. We need to keep in mind that the Raghuvanshi's are very shrewd we need play dirty like them." Sara stated.

"Well how do we get them 3 involved in our plan?" Sanjana asked.

"We will see to that, currently we need to focus on how we get help from Ranvijay and Ranveer, we can convince Rajeev easily but not them. For them to help us they need to hate Reyaansh." Sara said.

"This sounds so risky let's leave it." Kiara said.

"We can't give up now after coming so far and they need pay for what they did. I'll also read Priya Vivaan Raghuvanshi's diary and see what I find out and how this can help us in our plan." Sanjana said.

"I'm glad it's risky mumma, I love risky stuff." Sara said.

"Stop acting like you are the only brave one here, I know how to play with fire too." Sanaya said

"Confident much?" Sara said.

"Of course I am your sister after all." Sanaya replied.

"My heart feels at peace now that my family is together, even if I die now. I'll have no regrets." Kiara said emotionally.

"Don't talk about your death please." Sanaya said emotionally.

"Exactly mumma you have to outlive all of us." Sara said.

"I couldn't agree more auntie, we love you and your presence makes our day better." Sanjana said.

"Kiara anyways where will you go leaving me? If you are going to die you need take me with you." Dev said.

" Dev said

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