Something's wrong?

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Important read the note

I'm sorry I haven't published but I honestly hated how it was going so I decided to re-write it so I hope you like it I'll try to write as much as I can -k

Angels pov:
"There goes the most beautiful girl in the world with her annoying boyfriend Darrel" I growled to myself hiding behind the stairs.

Hello I'm angel I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I apparently need mental help considering I'm talking to my mind.

There are my friends I ran to the guys with a smile "hey guys" I said to them.

I started thinking about how I'm the only one in the group with no girlfriend, sad right. I cried in my head "I'm going to be alone for ever".

Andy has black hair, icy blue eyes, lightly tan almost pale and is 6'3 the tallest one in the group his girlfriend Kassandra has black hair, gray stormy eyes, milky moon kiss skin and is 5'4

Damon has chocolate brown hair, hazel eyes, a sun kiss tan that would make a girl jealous and is 6'1 his girlfriend Allison has dirty blond hair, dark blue eyes, a beach tan and is 5'4

John has light brown hair, forest green eyes, tan and is 6'2 his girlfriend Esmeralda has black hair, emerald green eyes, a exotic tan and is 5'4

Chris has blond hair, hazel eyes, sun kiss tan and is 6'1 his girlfriend Daniela has dark brown almost black hair, dark blue eyes, a nice light tan and is 5'6

Everyone replied with "hi" "hey" "sup" or things around there back to him. All the guys were with the love of there lives which got me pissed because I don't have my queen lyanna.

Breath in and out just breath in and out I don't want to start this year off wrong even though I kind of already did by stalking lyanna.

"Ugh I can't concentrate"I mumble to myself in anger only one more period until lunch trying to calm myself down. All I had in my mind was "Lyanna and how beautiful she is" the bell to go to next period shook me out of my thoughts.

I grabbed my things and went to my next period. I reaches next period with a teacher called mrs.hooper but she's wearing a wearing a crop top with a mini skirt so I shall now call her mrs.hooker.

The desk were arranged in rows I went to sit in the corner of the row in the back. When I looked to the left Lyanna is sitting next to me, but she wasn't paying attention she was talking to kassie (kassandra) sitting next to her.

Lyanna has beautiful pale whitish/blonde hair, greenish blue eyes, has a light tan and is 6'5

Mrs.hooker was in the closet and no one cared to pay attention so while Lyanna was talking to kassie I smelled her hair and cut a piece of it. I couldn't take not being with the love of my life. I sighed loudly but no one payed attention.

I took out a sheet of paper and started writing why I love Lyanna. I was half way finished when the bell rang so I put all my things away and went to lunch with a sad expression.

I was bummed and me friends could easily tell. "what's wrong bud?" Chris said with a frown. "Nothing I'm just tired" I lied every one still looked worried even the girls and they don't like me that much they think I'm creepy. No one believed me but they didn't want to upset me even more so they dropped it which I was grateful for.

(2 Classes later) "angle you still look sad are you sure ur ok?" Chris said with a worried look "yeah I'm still real tired and it's last period" I lied again. "Remember we're not going to bully you about it even if it's really stupid" Damon said with a smile every one started to laugh I couldn't help but laugh to.
"Do u guys wanna play basket ball? That always cheers you up" andy asked passing the ball to me, I smiled and tried to make the basket.

"it's cool how much they care but can they leave there nose in there own fucking business" I screamed in my head almost strangling the guys. "I don't know how much more of this I can take? "I whispered to myself as quietly as I could the guys wouldn't hear and they didn't.

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