The plan

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After another long dragging day of school

Kassandra pov (kassie):
"Hey gals" I seriously to my BFFs "why do you sound so serious?"

Lyanna asked sounding confused. "Have any of you seen esmi?" I asked very stern and not like my care free self.

Allison made a weird face and replied "thats true I haven't seen her".

Daniela pointed out "the last time we saw her was yesterday when we said good bye to each other".

I started freaking out "she hasn't been responding to my text and she always dose, what if she was kidnapped!" at that point all the girls started to freak out almost in tears.

"Girls! Calm Down" Daniela yelled

"Yeah, whatever happened to esmi we'll get to the bottom of it, that's a promise" Lyanna said with a serious face that I've only seen a handful of times before.

"Lyanna's right" I said keeping my eyes on the floor. I looked up to the crowed and said "we know what we have to do". The girls looked at each other.

"We can go to my house and I'll tell my mom were having a sleep over" Allison said. "Ok" all the girls agreed.

"Um we have a problem" Allison started "what do we tell esmi's mom 'oh your daughter was kidnapped but we don't plan on telling the cops for who knows what reason' or what about John" oh shit I forgot about that.

Wait a minute
"guys we left to the movies around 6:30 right"
They all look at me strangely "yeah why?" Daniela answered. "It's only 4:00 to report a missing person they have to be missing 24 hours I don't know if we have that time"

"We don't tell anyone about this even our boyfriends got it and some one call her mom and just make something up" Lyanna states

Everyone let there parents know that we are going to Allison's house. "Esmi's mom treats me like her daughter so I'll tell her mom" I told the girls they nod in agreement So I text her mom.

Kassie-hey mommy 2 esmi's phone died but she wanted to let u know she's going 2 be with us 4 a sleepover

Mommy 2- tell her that I said I'm fine with it have a fun time daughter

"Ok we're good"

"I'm glad we all have cloths in our cars" Lyanna said with a laugh. All the girls laughed but it quickly ended. "um what are we going to do?"Allison said sadly.

"I don't know how about a steak out" Daniela suggested. "yeah that might work we real need to catch this creep" I  said looking at the girls.

"we need bait to get the guy I wonder who the unlucky persons going to be" Lyanna said shaking her head. Me, Allison, and Daniela looked at her with a guilty smile "hey Lyanna" we said in union.

Lyanna frowned "let me guess I'm the bait". We smile sheepishly at her.

"Fine let me get kidnapped, btw I'm going to call the creep A- from pretty little liars" Lyanna said still frown.

"I can't wait to get kidnapped" she said sarcastically. "let's go get snacks so we could watch pretty little liars don't worry Lyanna you have until tomorrow and  we'll tell your Darrell you love him" Allison said making kissing noises. Lyanna got red as a tomato we all laughed amused at the sense in front of us.

2 hours later

"Dose everyone understands the plan for tomorrow"Daniela stated.
"Can you go through it one more time" Lyanna asked. "Ok
1.we sneak out at 11:20

2. Me,kassie, and Allison hide in the bushes

3. You walks around where we can see her so it can be easier to help you

4. When you start getting kidnapped we come out of the bushes and surprise attack on A-
It's foolproof" Daniela ended.

"Now let's get gets snacks before my mom doesn't let us" Allison added.
"We can all go in my mustang" I  added "ok" all the girls agreed.

"man Allison your stairs make a lot of noise" Lyanna complained.
"And where do you girls think your going" Allison's mom asked suspiciously, scaring the shit out of us hey TEENAGERS SCARE THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME THEY CAN CARE LESS AS LONG AS SOMEONE WILL BLEED! anyway we tripped on the the stairs and came rolling down and landed on the floor with a big THUMP.

"Are you girls alright?" Allison's mom asked concerned "we're ok" Daniela answered back. "look on the bright side at least we came down thous stairs fast" I laughing and everyone started to laugh.

"But seriously where are you guys going" Allison's mom asked not joking around anymore. "we're going to mikes to get snacks" Allison stated
"sorry girls but you can't go it's after 10:00 pm. "awwwww" we girls wined "sorry" Allison's mom said one last time then went to her room.

We girls went back to Allison's room. "we're going to sneak out aren't we" Daniela said with a smirk. We looked at each other and smirked "out the window" exclaimed Lyanna. We got out of the house and went to my one of my baby's my black with red stripes mustang.

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