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"How the hell did we end up in this situation?"


We were all dressed in black "ok guys here's the plan" kassie started "can someone close the window it's cold" I said.
"When did you open the window?" Allison asked standing up "I didn't" kassie said "WAIT I didn't either!"

"Wh-" kassie was cut off when smoke started filling the room. "Don't breath it in" I frantically said "to late" kassie mumbled then dropped Allison was passed out to.

I tried the door but it wouldn't open I can't hold my breath much longer everything goes black.

***********end of dream**********
"Guys" I yawned "I had the weirdest dream we were going to get the girls then there was smoke" I continued eyes still closed.

"Guys?" I cuttle into the silk sheets more hmmm maybe more sleep........Wait I shot up sense when did I have silk sheets?

I look around uh-o I look around the unfamiliar room.

I have to admit it's a nice room and in my favorite color but
where are the others?
I'm so sorry I haven't been writing school has been hectic I'll try the best I can to finish though

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