2 ♡

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Danny POV: 

We walk back down stairs, the party having simmered down a bit. Venus and I walk straight to the kitchen, avoiding any other drinks being poured on me. We each grab a beer and make a beeline straight for the backyard, where we wanted to be in the first place.

Stepping out there proves to be another issue. As soon as we walk into the back, we notice a group of people standing on the other side of the lawn, the man who spilled the drink on me standing right in the middle. They notice us immediately and all turn around, gold eyes staring at us.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Venus mutters under her breath. They turn and converse with each other for only a second before they're dragging the man over to me, who looks like he's in pain.

"Hi. Edward here had something to say to you." A woman with a bob says, looking down at my skirt with a frown. I look over at the man, Edward, and he lifts his eyes up to look at me. He nods before clearing his throat.

"I apologize for ruining your skirt and walking away like that earlier. That wasn't right. I can reimburse you." He says softly, his, what I assume to be siblings, glaring at him as he does so. My anger flares for a second but I dial it back, a tight lipped smile presented on my face.

"No thank you. I can afford a new one." His eyes widen but Venus cuts in before he can speak.

"We um, haven't seen you all at any of Q's parties before. Are you new?" She asks, giving me a pointed look telling me to cut it out. Venus, much like me normally, doesn't like confrontation, yet for some reason, I'm feeling extra confrontational.

"Yes, we just moved here for school. We just moved last week." A boy with dark hair and buff build speaks up with a nod. Venus nods and takes a sip of her beer.

"Oh, are you all going to the same school?" I ask, my anger momentarily dissipated at the idea of newcomers. My entire friend group met in a similar situation to this. Bad first impressions aside, maybe we could become friends. What's a ruined skirt anyway. I take a sip of my own beer.

"No. Alice and I are attending Mass art, Jasper and Emmet are attending Umass Boston. Edward here is attending Boston University." A girl with long dirty blonde hair speaks up. She points to each of them, introducing them smoothly. When the universities are told Venus smiles. Venus loves people, despite her initially shy nature. A conversation like this is what she lives for. 

"Oh wow. Our whole friend group attends those Universities. DD and I both attend Boston University. What is your major, Edward?" Venus asks him.

"I major in Literature. Specifically English Literature." He says, moving his hand in a circle, his drink sloshing in his cup as he looks between us both.

"What about you two?" he asks, looking at me up and down. I grit my teeth for a second before breathing through my nose. Maybe first impressions don't be damned. Something about him irks me and clearly he thinks the same. Venus answers brightly, taking our attention off of each other for a second. 

"I'm a civil law major. I wanted to go to Harvard but not all of us are as smart as DD." She says laughing, brightening the mood momentarily. 

"She's being generous. My major is Journalism and my focus is more storytelling and editing. We'll probably be in some classes together." I say to him another half assed smile on my face. He nods, not really giving my comment an answer which further irritates me.

I think I may simply be tired. Preparing for school has been quite stressful and maybe I'm just taking my frustrations out on him. I check my watch, noticing an hour has already flown by and a headache is starting to form right at the edges of my brain.

I look towards Venus, giving my signal to go already and she nods. She smiles towards the family, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

"Well school is only a week away. If you'd like we can exchange numbers? Hang out in between classes?" I look at her with an eyebrow raised and she shrugs as they take her phone. Alice nudges Edwards arm and he looks down at her.

"You won't exchange numbers with DD?" She asks. He lifts his head and looks over at me. He gives me a smile, one that only someone looking close enough can tell is more condescending than nice, rubbing his nose with his hand.

"I'll be able to find her." He says. My eyebrows furrow and I'm about to open my mouth when Venus pinches my elbow. I wince, pulling it away from her and frowning. She pulls me away from the group waving.

"Bye! Have a good night you guys!" They wave back happily, Edward simply looking over my frame again before his face relaxes and he turns, facing away from the glass door that Venus shuts. I huff, turning my back again. The party inside has died down significantly, most people sitting on couches and chatting or lazing against the kitchen counter, music no longer blasting.

"I don't think I like that guy." I say against Venus as we walk through the house to look for Erika and Natalie.

"I was about to say girl. I know he dropped his drink on you but what the hell." She says laughing. "I've never seen you sneer at someone like that." I can't help but chuckle in response to her words.

"He keeps insinuating that I stink! Did you see the way he rubbed his nose? He's a prick!" Venus rolls her eyes at me as we make a turn, walking down the stairs and into the basement.

"D, we were outside, he probably has allergies or something." I scoff.

"Yeah fucking right. Why would you sit outside if you have allergies? I didn't like the way he was looking at me. Like he's better than me." I mutter, realizing I sound more like a child than an adult. Venus shares my thoughts as she looks at me like I have two heads. She stops at the basement door.

"Girl, it's just a misunderstanding. Those are cool looking people. Let's just wait until we hang more to make assumptions. Okay?" She says. I nod as she pushes open the basement door and we spot Erika and Natalie immediately, playing twister with others and giggling. 

They're in tangles together and as soon as they notice us, they stand, making everyone else topple over. They giggle some more causing us to all laugh as the people they were playing with, grumble angrily. Erika and Natalie stumble over to me and Venus, their arms wrapped around each other.

"Had a fun time, I assume?" I say rubbing my forehead as my headache gets a bit stronger. Erika and Natalie stand straight, or at least try to, and nod.

"Yeah you guys missed it! Some jerk spilled alcohol upstairs and a dude slipped on it." Erika says giggling. Venus and I can't help but laugh at the situation knowing Erika and Natalie don't know what happened before that.

"Yeah some jerk is right." I say laughing as the dull ache begins to turn into a throb.

"Let's get out of here, the lights are starting to mess with my head." I say turning back towards the basements. Luckily, everyone agrees. Natalie and Erika wave to the people they were just playing twister with as we all head up the stairs and straight out of the house.

The car ride back is silent, a simmer of content falling over the car as my Erykah Badu plays throughout the cars speakers. I think over the day but don't try too hard as the throbbing of my head prevents me from doing much of anything except driving. I sleep it off, deciding my anger is just a culmination of stress preparing from school, drifting off quickly. 


Word Count: 1373

AN: Hi All! Welcome to chapter 2! I hope you enjoyed this one as well! 

I don't know what I want to do for chapter titles. Even though I just wrote over 3000 words in a single day, I cannot manage to come up with chapter titles. Please let me know which format you like more! The actually title or just the chapter titles. Thank you for reading it! 

Bound By Soul: An Edward Cullen Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now