Chapter 7: Valortastic Awakening

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The Gukki Walkers had barely recovered from their journey through the portal when the world around them began to solidify. As the shimmering light faded, they found themselves standing in a high-tech environment, a stark contrast to the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft. The air was thick with tension, and the distant sound of gunfire echoed through metallic corridors. Fishcake looked around, his eyes narrowing as he took in the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Where are we now?" Lyra muttered, her voice filled with a mix of awe and caution.

"This place... it feels different," Herman observed, his analytical mind already piecing together the clues. "High-tech, militaristic... and there's something in the air. Can you feel it?"

Fishcake nodded, his senses on high alert. "Yeah, I feel it too. This place is charged with energy—something powerful, something... dangerous."

Before they could delve deeper into their observations, a series of rapid footsteps echoed down the corridor. The Gukki Walkers instinctively took cover, their hands reaching for their weapons. From around the corner, a group of heavily armed agents appeared, their movements swift and precise. Fishcake's eyes widened as he recognized the emblem on their uniforms—it was the symbol of Red Nexus.

"They're here," Fishcake whispered, his voice laced with urgency. "Red Nexus has already infiltrated this world."

As the Red Nexus agents moved past, oblivious to the Gukki Walkers' presence, Fishcake motioned for his team to follow. They moved silently through the corridors, carefully avoiding detection as they pieced together the situation.

"This world... it's different from the others," Lyra whispered as they crept along the edge of a large open area. "It's like a war zone. And look—there's something off about those agents."

Herman, always quick to analyze, nodded in agreement. "They're not just soldiers—they're infused with some kind of energy. It's radiating off of them."

As they continued to explore, the Gukki Walkers came across a terminal displaying a detailed map of the area. Herman quickly accessed the information, his eyes scanning the data as he pieced together the scenario. "This is Alpha Earth," he explained, "but it's under attack by an opposing force—another Earth, an evil mirror image of this one."

Fishcake's expression hardened as the pieces fell into place. "So Red Nexus isn't just attacking us—they're trying to conquer entire realities. And this world, Valorant, is their next target."

Before they could formulate a plan, an alarm blared through the complex, and the sound of approaching footsteps grew louder. The Gukki Walkers braced themselves for a fight, but just as the Red Nexus agents rounded the corner, a volley of gunfire erupted from the opposite direction. The agents were cut down in seconds, and from the shadows emerged a group of Valorant agents, their presence commanding and fierce.

One of the Valorant agents, a tall figure with a stern expression, stepped forward. "You're not from around here," he said, his tone demanding but not unkind.

Fishcake stepped forward, his hands raised in a gesture of peace. "We're not your enemy," he explained quickly. "We're the Gukki Walkers, and we're here to stop Red Nexus."

The Valorant agent studied them for a moment before nodding. "I'm Brimstone, leader of the Valorant Protocol. We've been fighting against these invaders for a while now. If you're here to help, we could use all the assistance we can get."

As Brimstone spoke, a strange sensation surged through the Gukki Walkers. They exchanged glances, each feeling a rush of energy that was both exhilarating and overwhelming. The very atmosphere around them seemed to pulse with a mysterious force, as if the world of Valorant itself was reacting to their presence.

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