pt.5 better me

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Your pov
Date and location: January 3rd 2024 coco house ATLANTA two days after new years

New years and the day after that was crazy everyone was drunk as fuck and I decided I wanted to be better I don't know what i want to change but I just want to better myself.

Nyah jumped on coco back and said mommy your birthday is in 2 hours how you feel she said bad because If you don't GET off me ima beat yo ass she got off quick and I laughed I got on my phone in my own world but ...

maya had got in trouble by coco and ran upstairs and yelled and said how about you tell daddy about your ugly ass boyfriend I looked up and coco ran upstairs and nyah had an shocked face she laughed and sat by me and before I could say something she said ya mama got an ugly boyfriend don't let her play you pops nyah went upstairs and I didn't know what to think I mean after Christmas I told coco I wanted to get back with her and she told me that she wasn't in an relationship but Hey I'm not even mad .

Coco came back downstairs mad as hell she said Kenmei listen I - I cut her off and said its cool you ain't have to lie but ima go ight and She said Kenmei I said what I ani't mad .

We talked and I left I just don't care I don't know like an while ago I was killing niggas type crazy over them now that im coming to my senses and telling myself i got kids and to calm down I just stopped .

I mean I'm still selling drugs and shit going in the studio and shit making plays,money and other shit not really worried about any relationship right now .

I went home and I need to smoke and play the game I went inside took an warm shower and rolled an few blunts and smoked, played the game and listened to music.

Months later
April 28th 2024
Location: Atlanta Georgia cardi drive way

I got out my car and went to cardi door I put the code in and Went in I went to the living room and she had her head down I said bel what did you want that was so important she looked up quickly and she said come sit down I sat down by her and she sighed and said I'm pregnant .

I'm really confused did she call me over here to tell me she pregnant with another nigga child I said ok she said just ok really I said why would I care for another nigga baby she said its your baby !

I then remember we did have sex I said oh and laughed she shook her head and said just dumb she said what we gon do I said I mean you with another nigga so she said stop bringing him up I said you gon keep it she nodded and said ya I said ok she said um I will tell you when the doctor appointments are I nodded and got up she said you really not gon give me an kiss I said you got an - she cut me off and said when has that ever fucking stopped you I kissed her and she laid down and I got between her legs and she said lets go to the bed room I laughed she said you got an n- she pulled me into an kiss and I was just trying to be petty .

May 15th Leon 7th birthday
Location :Atlanta red house 2:21 pm

I walked in red house and heard my babygirl crying I picked her up and she was four months red family was here and he was having his party at an jumping place but I rented it out I held My baby girl and kissed her lips three times then red mom came by me and hugged me and we talked for an bit I went upstairs to red room and her friends was up there with her as they was getting ready red seen me and said why you got her she was just sleep I said she was crying she said oh ok .

She took her and I went to my son room and his friends said yo what's up I laughed and said what's up y'all ready to have fun they said ya I hugged my son and slapped his head and said you still an baby he said dad! I laughed and said alright my bad you look clean I said looking at his red and grey fit he said thank you.

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