Memory 1 (???): Assassination

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Location: Unknown

As the screen fades open, it's a windy night as we drift down towards a forest. The wind howls in the quiet forest.

Then, we get to see two people walking through the forest, fully equipped in CR units and helmets, crouching down as they sneak through.

???: You think I'd be capable with this kind of task? Because honestly, I'm not sure if I'm ready. I mean, I get it. I can't fail this task immensely takes a lot of pressure to get the job done right.

The soldier wondered in a feminine voice. The other comforts her.

???2: Don't worry, Black Rose. You'll do fine. Remember your training. It's what the boss wants us to see for what we are capable of if want to keep humanity safe. But don't worry. I know you can do this.

The other soldier said in a male voice. The now named Black Rose thought about it for a moment before she is comforted by his words.

Black Rose: Thanks, Blue Jet.

The now named Blue Jet nods at her.

Blue Jet: Don't mention it.

Black Rose: So, this commanding officer....Why exactly do we have to take him out? I know we shouldn't question this to our superior but what did he do exactly?

Blue Jet: I can't say for sure. Even me, I am quite unsure what this man does. But....orders are orders. It's best we should not question it.

Black Rose: Hmm. You're probably right.

Blue Jet suddenly raises a fist in the air, ordering Black Rose to stop. Then he nudges his fingers, informing to continue forward.

Blue Jet: I think we're almost there.

As the two come out of the forest, they witness a high security compound overflowing with guards. They are seen in military uniforms as well as CR Units, almost looking identical and similar to the ones Black Rose and Blue Jet are wearing.

Black Rose: This is the place.

Blue Jet: Got your rifle ready?

She nods in response. She takes out a chip and summons a highly advanced sniper rifle. Blue Jet did the same. They both kneel down on the ground and aims their sniper rifles at the compound. They navigate the area through the scope, seeing multiple hostile guarding the place.

Blue Jet: Remember how I taught you in training? This is the real deal. Once our target is in sight, you go for the kill.

Black Rose: Roger that. Target in sight, go for the kill. Easy peasy.

Blue Jet: It's not gonna be easy, Black Rose. There are ups and downs on some of our operations that took a toll before. Trust me, I've been there.

Black Rose: Really?

Blue Jet: *nods* Usually when they order me to go on stakeouts alone. I'm not the best, but I do take what's necessary to accomplish the mission.

Black Rose: *chuckles* You sure are quite an expert. I might almost be like you. Maybe when we're ordered to go on stakeouts together again, I'd say we'd be the unstoppable duo. I'd probably call us....the Hermetic Eagles.

Blue Jet:....Hmm....That... actually sounds... catchy.

With the conversation ending, they continue to navigate around the building through the scope of the rifle. More heavily armed guards are in the premises of the compound as they navigate the area.

Black Rose: Sure hope he might pop up somewhere. I could feel it....

Blue Jet: Patience, Black Rose. We'll find him. Just be sure that when he's on your sights, shoot to kill.

They continue to navigate the area through the scopes of their sniper rifles. As usual, an amount of security is seen in their posts guarding the place. After a short while, Black Rose notices something. A glint of interest is caught in her eyes.

Black Rose: Found him.

Black Rose said as her eyes are on sight on a man. Zooming in closely, he has brown hair and black eyes. He wears a black military suit and hat.

He is seen speaking to some soldiers. Blue Jet too gets a good look at where Black Rose is looking, zooming in for a closer look.

Blue Jet: That's him, alright. Ferris Vanterpool: A highly intellectual spec ops officer now commanding officer of a military unit, Iguana. Formerly trained and equipped at the CIA, he left and transferred to the military where he is ordered to be in that unit that he is in now.

Black Rose: You certainly know your profiles on targets.

Blue Jet: The Boss said that he's a traitor to what we are accomplishing in the ongoing future, stating that none shall go unscathed.

Black Rose: Then it's time to go for the kill.

Blue Jet nods in response.

Blue Jet: Just like in training, Black Rose. I'll take out the two guards, you worry about the main target.

Black Rose: Roger that.

The two are in position, aiming their rifles as Blue Jet aims directly at the two soldiers and Black Rose aiming at Ferris Venterpool.

Blue Jet: On three. Ready?

Black Rose: *nods* Ready.

Blue Jet: One. Two. Three.

The two shoot at the same time. With Blue Jet, the bullets penetrates through their bodies, killing the two soldiers in an instant. And Black Rose kills the Venterpool through the head.

Blue Jet: Good work. Time to retreat.

Black Rose: Got it.

They quickly deactivate their sniper rifles, forming back into technological chips. Quickly putting them in their pockets, they left the scene. They run and through the forest at a fast pace, avoiding any obstacle they may pass by through the woods. They soon start to slow down, looking back at how far they have gotten.

Blue Jet: The unit will be running wild when they three bodies now.

Black Rose: Yep. They'll be running rampant.

Blue Jet puts his fingers on a communicator, contacting through. The call responds.

Blue Jet: Sir?

??? (comms): Ah. My dear friend. Are you and Black Rose's stakeout according to what I've tasked you both to do?

Blue Jet: Yes, sir. Vanterpool has been eliminated. Although, there are a few casualties that are taken in order to fulfill what we were ordered to do.

The unknown voice let out a soft chuckle.

??? (comms): No matter. What you both did is fulfilling my orders. Both of you have done well. I'd suggest the two of you get back while you're at it.

Blue Jet: Sir.

He disconnects.

Blue Jet: Come on. We should head back to the branch building.

Black Rose: You got it....

The screen turns black.





Word Count: 1101

Author's Note: Something very original along this line. I might do some more in the future on where this story goes. Let me know what you think and your interpretations are in this segment. Overall, see you in the next one. ✌️

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