𝓐𝓺𝓲𝓺𝓪𝓱 𝓒𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓷𝔂

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The morning of the Aqiqah ceremony began early for Adah and Aditya, as the first light of dawn crept through the curtains. The soft hues of morning cast a serene glow over their room, signaling the start of a day steeped in tradition and joy.

Adah was the first to stir, her eyes fluttering open to find Aditya already awake, sitting quietly beside her with a peaceful expression. He met her gaze with a gentle smile, and they exchanged a silent understanding—today was going to be a special day.

They both slipped out of bed, the coolness of the early morning air refreshing their senses. Together, they made their way to the prayer room, where they performed their Fajr Namaz, side by side. The rhythmic cadence of their prayers filled the room, a sacred moment shared between them before the hustle and bustle of the day began.

After Namaz, Adah reached for the Quran, its familiar pages offering a sense of calm. She recited a few verses softly, her voice blending with Aditya's as he joined her in the recitation. The peaceful atmosphere provided them with the strength and tranquility they needed to embrace the day's events.

As they finished their recitation, a faint sound from the nursery alerted them that their twins were awake. Adah and Aditya exchanged a knowing look, both aware that the peaceful morning was about to become much livelier.

They moved swiftly to the nursery, where Yaseen and Yasmeen were already wide awake. Yasmeen, her tiny fists waving in the air, greeted them with soft coos, while Yaseen kicked his legs enthusiastically, making it clear that he was ready for the day ahead.

Adah leaned over the crib, smiling warmly at her daughter. "Good morning, my little Yasmeen," she murmured, lifting her gently into her arms. Yasmeen's sleepy eyes blinked up at her mother, a contented sigh escaping her lips as she snuggled closer.

Meanwhile, Aditya had his hands full with Yaseen, who was squirming with energy. "You're already full of beans, aren't you, little man?" Aditya chuckled, bouncing Yaseen lightly in his arms. The baby responded with a delighted gurgle, his bright eyes sparkling with mischief.

Adah and Aditya worked together seamlessly, moving around the nursery as they dressed the twins in their special outfits for the ceremony. Adah carefully chose a soft pink outfit for Yasmeen, the delicate fabric adorned with subtle golden embroidery. She dressed her daughter with tender care, smoothing the tiny sleeves and adjusting the lace bonnet that framed her face.

On the other side of the room, Aditya was busy with Yaseen, who was more interested in grabbing his father's fingers than staying still. "Hold on, champ," Aditya said with a grin, finally managing to get Yaseen into his blue outfit, which matched his lively personality.

Despite the early hour, the twins were already full of energy, their little legs kicking and arms waving as Adah and Aditya tried to keep them settled. Yasmeen, content and sleepy after being dressed, relaxed in Adah's arms, her tiny hand clutching a piece of her mother's dress. Yaseen, however, remained active, his curiosity evident as he looked around the room, his tiny hands reaching out to explore whatever he could.

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