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I got back to school around 8pm. Sotus was about to end as it was Friday and usually P Arthit ended earlier so we could all have an earlier start to our weekend.

I went to pass him the food and he smiled at me.

"Can you do me another favor?"

I nodded, asking him on what it was.

"Could you pass this other portion to P Kong?"

"Oh? But the uncle said these 2 were for you."

"Yes, because he probably did not realize you knew P Kong too. So one portion of food is for me and the other for his son P Kong."

"P Kong is his son?" I stuttered out. Arthit nodded as he passed me the food, a meaningful look on his face. I just took it and went towards P Kong who was cleaning up.


Kong turned around to see me. "Yes, Lam?"

"P Arthit asked me to pass this to you."

I watched as P Kong's face smiled in recognition at the food package, muttering something under his breath.

"What did you say, P?"

"Oh, I was just wondering when did Arthit go see my dad to get this. This is from my father."

"I see.. I make my move then P."

Kong nodded and turned his attention back to doing his work. As I walked away, I wondered why I didn't tell him that I had been the one to go see his dad and pick this up.

I refused to admit it out loud but knew my words I had said previously to P Kong was starting to eat away at me now.

He had a really nice father and his mom sounded amazing too except she was not around. Both parents must love him alot.

I had 2 parents alive but did not care about me. P Kong was right. Not every parent was like my own. And to think I had spoken like this to him was eating away at me now. Majorly.

I turned back to go back to P Kong.

"P Kong.."

"Yes?" He just uttered, focused on cleaning up.

"Im sorry."

"It's ok, you are welcome. Wait what?!" P Kong turned to me in surprise!

"I said I'm sorry.. "

"Where is this coming from?"

"It's for whatever I said earlier. I shouldnt have.."

P Kong looked at me for a long bit, probably puzzling over what brought the change but didn't say anything. He just nodded, saying the apology was accepted. I nodded, and walked off.

But as I went off, I couldn't help but think about Uncle and how I wanted to visit him again. But do I tell P Kong I know his dad?

And if I do, how do I tell him? I may have apologised but it doesn't mean the words uttered can be taken back.

I had literally told that guy what would happen to him if his dad was to pass away. And now how do I tell the same guy, hey I met your dad, such a wonderful person and I would like to hang out with him?

P Kong would probably think I am an idiot.

Maybe I am. Ugh. I looked up as I passed P Arthit who just gave me a meaningful smile and that's when it hit me.

He had arranged for me to do the delivery on purpose. He wanted me to meet P Kong's dad and recognise the error of my ways.

Damn that man was smooth. That, I had to give it to him.

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