Chapter 2

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Angel felt her nerves shaking though Scarlett still had the gun pressed against her back. Scarlett whispered into Angel's ear,

"I am now leaving you, vile woman. Even though my wife is gone, you will be mine next."

Angel wanted to hurl so badly because she couldn't imagine herself with Scarlett. Now, as for Jana that woman looked like the settling type though Shauna is too but she had promised herself to stay single since Jana is most likely taken and Shauna is in college with most likely a girlfriend or boyfriend at the moment.

Angel appreciated that Scarlett didn't hurt or kill anyone in her store that would be so devastating. Scarlett left the store with a bounce in her step, after she went through the door and waited for her to go down the road, everyone got up and didn't speak for a few minutes.

Angel, can't figure out why Scarlett called her vile, she hadn't done anything except break it off because of the abusing and controlling that would get out of hand. Shauna came up to Angel saying,

"What is with that woman? Every time, we try to make a sale she interferes. Jana is our best customer too, she has been coming here for years."

Angel raised a brow at Shauna replying,

"She has?"

Shauna chuckled responding,

"You are so blind at times, yes she has. She orders Vanilla Mocha with a Red Velvet cake. She reads anything from Romance to Horror depending on her day."

Angel sighed patting Shauna on her shoulder replying,

"You are a great waitress and friend."

Shauna rolled her eyes responding,

"I have to get to class, everyone has left. So, we might as well close up and head home for the day. Are you going out tonight?"

Angel placed her hands on the counter fondling with a rag replying,

"Maybe for a jog but no date."

Shauna smirked responding,

"We can go get drinks, I am needing time away from the dorm."

Angel felt so lucky to be a boss that she can have control on she hangs out with. Angel looked up at Shauna seeing her young co-worker making her feel beautiful in a good way. She reached across holding Shauna's hand saying,

"If you are sure, you want to hang with a twenty-seven year old woman?"

Shauna laughed replying,

"Here is my cell number, text me when you are ready. I will be waiting."

Angel blushed with a nervous giggle as she saw Shauna leave. Angel couldn't wait to hang out with her own co-worker though it did seem off a bit. She closed the shop up and headed back home to get ready for her first date in many years. Especially after all the hell Scarlett put her through and still does.

Angel texted Shauna to see where they would meet turned out to be a bar in town that has always set Shauna on a drinking frenzy on weekends. At least that is what Shauna texted her. Angel got dressed in her blue blouse and tight blue jeans than did her hair in a fancy updo just to make her look beautiful. She never bothered with makeup she always went all natural.

Angel grabbed her black heels, slipping them on at ease and then grabbed her purse as she headed off to the bar which is only fifteen minutes from her apartment. Soon as she reached the bar, Shauna lit up like a Christmas tree filled with joy. Angel and Shauna exchanged kisses on the cheeks then headed inside.

They sat at a table near the door with their Screwdrivers meaning the drinks that had orange juice and vodka. Shauna spoke loudly over the music saying,

"I should have choose a more quieter place, let's go for a walk around the park."

Angel couldn't agree more though she didn't care for her drink neither she was to nervous for anything to relax her. Angel replied loudly,

"Yes, please let's get out of here."

They grabbed one another's hands and exited the bar as Shauna shook her head no feeling so awful responding,

"I should have taken you to the park instead of a noisy bar."

Angel squeezed Shauna's hand replying,

"It's okay, you didn't know. It is our first night out together."

Shauna smiled nodding realizing that Angel is right. They walked silently to the park just holding hands and enjoying one another without really even trying to bring up any conversation. In the back of Angel's mind, she wondered what Jana would be doing or where would she'd be. Shauna had stopped walking as Angel stopped too, Shauna turned around saying,

"Angel, I know this isn't exactly a date. I just wanted to see what would happen if we did date or at least see how far we got."

Angel raised her brows at Shauna replying,

"Shauna, I thought we were hanging out not dating especially after what Scarlett did today."

Shauna put her foot in the ground responding,

"I know, I know, but we can try, right?"

Angel looked around nervously then replied,

"True, we can."

Though after two weeks Shauna and Angel didn't see each other anymore they stayed working together. Big difference was age, Shauna being a teenager and Angel a grown woman. Angel stopped dating after that because she couldn't handle another heartache.

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