Loki x Reader

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A/N: Ok ok sorry sorry I know hahaha ok here I rewrote the Loki one shot from before so here

Today was the day, your stomach twisted into powerful knots at the thought of revealing your relationship with Loki. The conclusion that the both of you had come to was that once you were serious you would tell the gang. You had decided a few weeks ago that it had to be soon, very soon. Now you had already arranged a meeting with everybody, you had made sure there were no missions and that everybody could attend.

It had been two years since the tragic event you appropriately named, New York. Loki had to stay in the tower at all times unless an Avenger went out with him. Which didn't happen much. The Avengers had warmed up to him but you could tell they didn’t have even a sliver of trust in him. Except for Thor of course you forgave his brother, and now would trust him with his life. It scared you to think that they didn’t trust him, that they would try to brake you up. You knew of course neither of you would let that happen, but you would never want to have to choose between your friends and your love.

You loved him with all of your heart and you could tell he loved you just the same, the looks he gave you assured your beliefs in his love. "Are you ready my love?", Loki called. "Ready as I'll ever be", you say offering him a weak smile. He frowns. "I’m just worried they t-they-“, your voice caught in your throat, and tears welled in your eyes. “ I know I know my love”, he whispered cupping your cheek. His cool slender fingers caressed your cheek as he placed a chaste kiss on your lips. “But we must do this, I know you wouldn’t want them to find out any other way.”, he whispered. You nodded smiling at him warmly.

You grabbed his hand and lead him out the door. As you reached the end of hallway you squeezed his hand, he returned the gesture in a comforting manor. Your heart raced and you dropped his hand as you pushed the large cool door open. “Finally”, Tony said with a loud sigh. You forced a small laugh and cleared your throat. “Uh ok, so I didn’t call you all hear just to talk about me, this is about Loki too”, you finished with a sigh.

“What have you done this time brother", Thor's voice rung out through the other wise quite room. "I have done nothing wrong!", Loki exclaimed, quick to defend his honor against his brother. "Yeah right, what did Loki do", Natasha said rolling her eyes and directing her question towards you. You gulped again grabbing Loki's hand, his long slender finger glided over the back your hand in a soothing motion.

“MeandLokijustwantedtosaywe'vebeendatingfortwomonths", you said all in one breathe, you figured it would be easier to get out.
An uncomfortable science followed, the team stared back at you with wide eyes. Tony cleared his throat. "You're what?", Tony said venom oozing in his tone. "We have been in a relationship for two months, I thought you we're a genius Stark", Loki smirked, but dropped it at the sight of your stern face. “Good for you brother!", Thor boomed standing up, and before Loki could refuse Thor brought him into a bone crushing hug.

"Wait what? Hold on you mean super sweet, nice, caring, (Y/N) is dating Loki", Clint said clearly confused. "And what is that supposed to mean", Loki growled shooting Clint a death glare. "Yes yes I am", you giggle kissing Loki's cheek. Clint sends an uneasy look to you and shrugs. “If you hurt (Y/N)", Natasha said poking Loki's chest, “I will slit your throat in your sleep" Loki gulped and put his hands up in defense. You smiled wildly, this was going way better than ever imagined.

Bruce opened his mouth to speak and your heart raced to hear what he had to say. “Honestly I think it’s fantastic that there’s someone like (Y/N) to keep Loki in check.", Bruce says pushing his glasses up face and smiling warmly. Steve nods in agreement. "Welp, we have to go it is our anniversary after all", you say hooking arms with Loki and starting out unable to keep the smile from your face.  "Happy anniversary!", Tony calls as you leave the room.

"That went better than I thought", Loki whispered releasing a breath you didn’t know he was holding.  You nodded cupping his cheeks as pulling him in for a sweet kiss.

A/N: hope you guys liked it, love you <3 ~Izzy

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