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▪︎2 months later▪︎

A twelve year old Nick was sitting on the floor of a white walled room surrounded by tools. She was messing around with some scrap pieces she had found. 

The metal door near her slid open and a woman in white walked through with it sliding shut behind her. 

She sighed as she looked around at the messy room before looking at the small girl on the floor. 

“Why is your room a mess again?” The woman asked, not moving from her position. 

Nick, who didnt even realise the woman had walked in, looked up at her in surprise. 

“It helps me concentrate.” She shrugged. 

“I thought Janson told you to clean it.” 

“He did.” Nick looked back to the little contraption she was making, “I ignored him.” 

The woman sighed again as she moved the chair from the desk next to the girl on the floor. She sat on it looking down at the tools and scrap pieces surrounding the girl. 

“What is so wrong with him that you choose not to listen to him?” 

“He’s annoying. Always bossing me around.” Nick lowered her voice, “And he looks like a rat.” 

“What was that?” 

“Nothing.” Nick blurted. 

The woman shook her head knowing it wasnt something good, “What are you working on?” 

She shrugged, “Nothing at the moment, just messing with things.” Nick placed the contraption down, turning to the woman, “What do you need?” 

“You think I need something?” The woman's eyebrows furrowed. 

“No, I know you need something. Nobody comes in here unless they want something.” 

“What about Jorge? I thought you were close with him.” 

Nick frowned at the name, “He only comes in here because you ordered him too. Jorges is just a babysitter.”

“It's only so you don't get yourself in trouble.” 

“What trouble? Nobody lets me leave this stupid room.” Nick kicked a piece of metal, “I get asked stuff, I answer and nobody tells me what for or lets me see.” 

The woman placed her hand on Nick’s head rubbing her thumb back and forth, “Soon I promise.” 

“Whatever. I don't care.” 

Lie. She did care, she wanted to know what was going on outside the room. What her answers were helping them with. 

Sometimes she could hear other kids on the other side of the door, she wondered if they were getting treated the same as her or worse. 

“Just tell me what you need.” Nick grumbled. 

The woman sighed letting her hand fall from her head, “I want to know how you’d keep someone from escaping somewhere?” 

Nick raised an eyebrow at the woman but did not question it as she knew she wouldn't get any answers. 

“The best way to keep a prisoner from escaping is to make sure they never know they are in prison.” 

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