Chapter 5

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Hardy POV

"Mr. Hardy, We'd like to talk to you. It been brought to our attention recently, a live stream that started mid afternoon and only ended an hour ago. This live stream depicted some extremely graphic sexual images of you interacting with your supposed step daughter." I heard the doors lock as my boss talked to me. Two higher ups were sitting with my boss.

Shit. How? What happened.

"She seemed unconscious, and unaware of everything happening to her, brought up on by you. She looks fairly young, so people talk. Lance what is going on?" My boss asked. "We are giving you a chance to come clean." They probably have police either on their way or already waiting.

"Sir, I can assure you. I have not the slightest clue what you are referring to." My only choice is to deny. I can't escape this room without the guard outside unlocking it first, those doors were metal.

They turned a monitor around to face me and there it was. As clear as day. My darling (Y/n) and I having our private father daughter bonding. Was I somehow hacked? No one knew about my cameras though, not even Lacey.

Why is this happening to me? I did everything right, she was supposed to be mine.

"What am I looking at? What sick fuck would make such a thing? Why are they trying to frame me as a bad guy?" I denied.

"Sir, the IP address was tracked back to your security system. That is from your cameras, unauthorized high tech cameras might I add. We know that from your own facial recognition system that you are the man in the video and that your stepdaughter is definitely the young lady in the video as well. Poor girl don't even know what's happening right now." One of the higher ups said.


"You seem to have no remorse for what you've done. You even admitted, in the video, that you've done the same to your poor daughter. For how long? Was the first time before or after her 18th birthday? We just want to know how deep your sins go!" The other higher up was already to persecute me.



"Look, we are gonna have to let you go. No need to pack your desk up though. You won't need any of it where you are going. The police are waiting for you right out those doors. You're fired, please exit now." My boss said, turning the live stream off.

The door unlocked and police walked in.

"Lance Hardy. You are under arrest, under the suspicion of sexual aggression charges and the death of your wife. You have the right to remain silent, any thing you say can be held against you in a court of law. Do you understand." One officer cuffed me.

"What no. Why?" I tried getting free but it was pointless.

"Do you understand!" The officer yanked me harder. "Yes." I sighed walking away with the men.

But why my wife's murder? I didn't even kill her with my bare hands. Unless that rat bastard snitched. I knew I should've killed him afterwards. Damn loose ends, maybe he's the one that hacked me too. Bastard is trying to ruin my life.

Reader POV

I can't believe I wasted the day away sleeping. I guess I was extremely exhausted from crying and the blunts and shots definitely contributed.

I wonder where the others are.

Getting out of bed, I noticed I wasn't in my clothes from yesterday. Who changed me?

Quickly I made my way to Lacey room. Knocking, there was no answer. Maybe she's not home right now. I doubt Lance is either. I wonder if that bastard is the one that changed me.

Yandere!Step-Sister x Fem!Black!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now