Chapter 4

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Lance Hardy POV

We all stood in the morgue, staring at the corpse behind the glass.

"Yes, unfortunately that is my wife. I notice the tattoo and birthmark she had on her middle back and thigh. We were just on our honeymoon two weeks ago. How did this happen?" I questioned.  No way they would be suspicious of me or my daughter right?

I looked towards the girls.

I doubt it.

Lacey POV

I stood, holding (y/n). She sobbed in my arms. I never seen a dead body up close before.

It's so surreal. But at least she got what was coming to her. She treated my darling sister so badly. Now that's left is my dad.

I glanced over to him to see he was already looking this way. What is that old man plotting.

I know it's not gonna be good for (y/n) whatever it is.

Reader POV

It was awful just seeing my mom like that. Lifeless and her face was non existent.

We left the morgue and went straight to the police station to make our statement.

I just want to get this over with and cry myself to sleep. It's not fair. We never had a good relationship and now we never will be able to fix or work on it because she's gone forever.

I'd feel so alone if Lacey wasn't always checking up on me.

I'm grateful for her.

I'd be a shell of a human if not for her pulling me back to reality every now and then.

Hardy POV

We all got home and went our separate ways.

I decided to watch over (y/n) on the cameras. She needs her space right now but not her privacy.

She was currently in bed, crying. That outfit she chose to wear is so gorgeous on her. The skirt rose the more she whined and rolled around in bed. Unfortunately it was a skort so no panties for now.

She had already took her shirt off, only in her sports bra and skort. I wish I could just run my hands all over that beautiful body of hers.

I saw something interesting on the camera that brought me back to reality.

Maybe I'll go comfort her ...

Reader POV

I listened to music as the tears flowed down my face.

I have to accept that she's gone, my mom is gone. Im basically an orphan now.

My mom and I may have not been close but I still loved her in some way and I hope in her own way, she loved me.

I hope she's in peace.

I got up and grabbed a bottle of peach schnapps. Lacey bought me a bottle, apparently that's what she was up to earlier.

She's such a saint.

Taking a swig, I felt a bit bubbly. I took another.

There was a knock at the door.

"Who's that?" I whined, turning my music down a bit.

"(Y/n), you busy? I wanted to check up on you." It was Lance. The bastard did just lose his wife. But he's no saint.

I took a swig before opening.

"What do you want Lance. Come to throw me out now that my mom's our the picture." I grumbled, taking another swig of the peach schnapps.

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