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Dear Fred,

I can't believe it, if I'm honest. It doesn't feel right holding this quill. Watching it hover above the parchment as I stare at your name on the page and realise you'll never read it. I mean, I've never been one for academic activities such as writing, and neither were you, so this whole... Writing thing bothers me but that's not what I mean. It doesn't feel right because of the reason I'm doing it.

Mum is making the whole family do one. She says nobody else has to read the letters. That we can keep it to ourselves. I think that makes it quite pointless but it makes her happy. That's a rare thing now. And... well, maybe it will help me. I don't think so, but I have to try something.

You drove me insane. Absolutely mad. Name a hideous and dangerous prank and I can assure you that I suffered through it. More than once.
I was the victim of experiment after experiment. I'm sure I am the reason Weasley's Wizard Wheezes was so successful, I was the the target market for every horrifying concoction and potion you invented and therefore a... wizard guinea pig; used to satisfy your curiosity.

But I loved it.

Well, that's a lie. I hated it at the time, but you don't know what you have until it's gone, do you? I would do anything now. Anything. If it meant being pranked by you and George again. The things I'd give to see you laughing with him... making mum smile... making all of us smile.

When someone dies you don't realise but they are often what holds a family together. Once they're gone, the fine cracks that once were sealed by the love between family members weakens, and the faults begin to widen and the family begins to split. I hate to say it, but that's what has happened to us. Or at least that's what it feels like. Mum and dad try to stay strong, everyone does, but it's been hard. It is hard. I think it'll always be hard.

I miss you so much. I might be the silly little brother, but it doesn't mean we weren't... close. Young and exploitable, with the smallest bedroom, broken broom, hand me down sweaters and broken wands is what I was in your eyes and everyone else's too. I used to believe that I was left out, that I was fifth best. What I realise now is that it is completely true. Being left out is what it means to be a Weasley. We were all left out. Ginny and I were left out by you and George. We were all left out by mum and dad. Left out when Charlie went off to study dragons, left out of each other's games, of each other's pranks. But what made us close is the love. The love was always there.

We are all so proud of you and if I am ever half as brave as you, Freddie, then I will be happy. I don't mind being second best, or fifth best, if you're first. As long as you are first.

This isn't working. I'm talking to paper, aren't I? I would love to kid myself and say you are here, but you just aren't. And that's what hurts the most. That's all writing this stupid letter is forcing me to realise.

I love you Fred. We all do, but especially George. He's taken it hard. I don't think we will ever recover. How could we? All I want to say is thank you. Thank you for the times we had together and for being brave.

You're ever loving, experiment-traumatised-victim, also known as your little brother,


Someone asked for Ron next so here you go! I'm sorry if it's sad... yeah... but I hope you liked it anyway! Thank you for your reads/votes/comments, I really appreciate it.

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