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Good day, everyone! 👋 It's been awhile, hasn't it? I know I've been quiet for month, and I sincerely apologize. Life became a little chaotic, and I had to put my writing on hold for a while.

But I have not forgotten you or my story! I'm back, and I'm eager to get back to writing and sharing more with you. I'm working hard to get back on track, and I hope to have new chapters up soon!

Meanwhile, I'm pleased to announce that I'll be releasing an entire book of BL oneshots! Because someone requested it, they are all written in English since someone asked me to.

also about this story,
I want to make sure everyone can appreciate the story, so I'm re-editing and translating it into English.
I know some of you have had difficulty following the story because it was initially written in Tagalog.

This means that all of the posted chapters will be updated with fresh English versions, and I will work hard to ensure that the translation is correct and flows well.

( I'm translating the entire story into English because someone on my TikTok account repeatedly asked me to do so. They were unable to understand the story because it was originally written in Tagalog. )

I appreciate your patience and understanding as I work on this project. I'm excited to share the English version of the story with you shortly! Stay tuned! 😊

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