chapter two

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Junjie was left in a trance as the accident's mayhem subsided, his brain unable to comprehend the rapid succession of events that had happened to him. As the police and ambulance arrived to evaluate the damage from the near-tragedy, the sound of sirens wailing could be heard in the distance.

Minghao, the mysterious outsider who had saved Junjie from certain death, stood by his side through all of the chaos, a rock of steadfast support in the face of uncertainty.  Minghao, his voice a firm anchor in the midst of pandemonium, kept checking on Junjie, real concern imprinted in his features.

Minghao's question, "Are you okay? Do you need medical attention?" broke through Junjie's bewilderment and forced him to pay attention to the here and now. Junjie was enveloped in a flurry of emotions, shocked by the seriousness of the situation and the sudden appearance of Zhiguang's best friend. He found it difficult to express his feelings.

Junjie experienced a strange sense of disassociation from what was happening while the police investigated and the paramedics cared for the driver of the car. Even with the authorities' assurances and the accident's lasting shock, Junjie was eventually allowed to go home, but his tired shoulders bore the heavy burden of what had happened that day.

After returning to his modest home, Junjie's mind was racing with details of the meeting. His feelings were a confused mixture of thankfulness, perplexity, and an increasing interest in the strange bond he had with Minghao. Junjie, utterly worn out, finally gave in to sleep. He turned to his dreams for comfort as he struggled to make sense of the chaotic world he had just entered.

The next morning, when Junjie awoke from his sleeep, the events of the day before still very much in his memory, the dawn was clear and purposeful. Junjie got ready for the day with a strong sense of purpose, embracing the dual responsibilities of a conscientious worker and a committed student.

Junjie façed the challenges of managing his two jobs with unwavering commitment. He had to juggle the demands of his employment in the morning with his studies in the afternoon and evening. He approached every assignment with determination and a feeling of purpose, which was evidence of his unflinching resolve to overcome the obstacles in his way and forge a better future for himself.

Though Junjie set out on a fresh day full with opportunities and doubts, memories of the previous day's meeting lingered in the back of his mind, suggesting a deeper relationship with Hou Minghao and the mysterious powers that had brought them together. Junjie was thrown into a web of fate that entwined their destinis, leading him down a path of self-discovery, resiliency, and fortuitous friendships that would influence his journey in ways he was still learning.


authors note:
Good day everyone,the second chapter of unseen connection is up now, which I hope will capture your interest as much as the previous chapter did.

I sincerely appreciate your support and comments, so please remember to cast your vote and express your opinions. 🙏

In addition, I would want to use this chance to provide a brief update. All of my stories from now on will be narrate from the author's point of view. I've discovered that this particular style speaks to me the most, therefore I hope you can appreciate and keep reading the story I've written

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 15 ⏰

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