Chapter 5: Mr Rodriguez!

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The morning sun filtered through the curtains of Josiah's room, casting a soft glow on the walls. He stretched and yawned, feeling a sense of anticipation rather than dread for the first time in a long while. The anxiety that had once clung to him like a second skin seemed to have loosened its grip. The events of the past few days had changed something in him-meeting new friends, working on a project, and bonding in a way he hadn't expected. He felt... lighter.

After getting dressed in his usual hoodie and jeans, Josiah headed downstairs, where his mum, Sam, was already up, bustling around the kitchen. The smell of breakfast filled the air, a comforting routine that had always grounded him.

"Morning, Joey," Sam greeted him with a warm smile as he walked in. "You're up early. How's my college boy today?"

"Morning, Mum," Josiah replied, sliding into a chair at the kitchen table. "I'm good, actually. I wanted to tell you about something."

Sam set a plate of toast and eggs in front of him and took a seat across the table, her eyes filled with curiosity. "What's up? You sound like you've got some good news."

Josiah hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath. "I've made some new friends at college. We've been working together on this big project at a Virtual Reality festival. It's been... really great. We spent all day there yesterday, and I feel like I'm finally coming out of my shell."

Sam's eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and joy. "Joey, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you. I knew you'd make friends once you started college, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. Tell me more-who are these friends of yours?"

Josiah smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him at his mum's reaction. "Well, there's Ben. He's really into gaming, like me, and he's always full of energy. Then there's Jay-he used to be in the army, and he's kind of taken on the role of our leader. He's really good at organising things and making sure everything runs smoothly. Tamarah's into beauty and the paranormal, which is a weird mix, but she's really fun to be around. And then there's Cameron... he's different. He's really confident, knows how to talk to people, and he's got this way of making things happen."

Sam's smile widened. "It sounds like you've found a great group of friends, Joey. I'm so happy for you. I've always known you had it in you to make connections like this. It just took finding the right people."

"Yeah," Josiah agreed, his smile growing. "I think so too. It's just... it feels good to be part of something."

Sam reached across the table and squeezed his hand. "I'm really proud of you, Joey. It's not always easy to step out of your comfort zone, but look at you now. You're doing great."

Josiah nodded, feeling a swell of pride in himself. For once, he felt like he was on the right path.

At the Lodge Institute, Josiah's newfound confidence stayed with him as he walked through the entrance. The anxiety that had plagued him before was still there, but it was muted, pushed aside by the sense of belonging he felt with his new friends. He made his way to the small coffee shop inside the college and ordered a cup of tea, settling into a seat near the window.

He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Ben and Jay: *Where are you guys? I'm at the coffee shop.*

As he waited, he sipped his tea and glanced around. To his surprise, he spotted Cameron walking down the corridor, chatting with a group of staff members like they were old friends. He was bumping fists with some, offering polite nods to others, and every now and then, a student would greet him in passing. Cameron always responded, but there was a subtle dismissiveness in his manner, as if he was simply acknowledging their existence without engaging too much.

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