Chapter 4: The First Project!

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The sun had barely begun to rise when Josiah’s alarm buzzed, dragging him out of a deep sleep. He groaned, fumbling for his phone to silence the noise. It was earlier than he usually woke up, but today was different. Today was the Virtual Reality Festival—their first big project. As the reality of the day settled in, he felt a mix of excitement and nerves bubbling up inside him.

Josiah forced himself out of bed, pulling on a simple hoodie and jeans before heading downstairs. His mum was already in the kitchen, a cup of tea in hand.

“Morning, Joey,” she greeted him with a smile. “You’re up early.”

“Yeah,” Josiah replied, grabbing a slice of toast. “Big day today.”

“You’ll do great,” she reassured him. “Just remember to have fun with it.”

Josiah nodded, feeling the warmth of her support. After a quick breakfast, he grabbed his bag, checked his camera equipment one last time, and headed out the door.

Across town, Ben was already wide awake, sitting at his desk with a cup of coffee. He had been too excited to sleep much, his mind racing with ideas for the festival. He had been up for hours, prepping his gear and running through plans in his head. By the time the clock read 7:30, he was more than ready to get started.

He threw on his usual jeans and a graphic tee, slipped into his favorite sneakers, and made his way out. The early morning air was crisp, filling him with energy as he headed to the café where they had agreed to meet.

Jay woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating on the nightstand. He checked the time—7:45 a.m. He had set multiple alarms, not trusting himself to wake up on time. After all, the army had instilled in him the habit of being punctual. He got out of bed, stretched his arms, and quickly dressed. The anticipation of the day ahead was enough to shake off the last remnants of sleep.

He grabbed a protein bar and his bag, making sure his notes and interview questions were tucked safely inside. Jay wasn’t one to leave things to chance—he liked to be prepared. As he headed out the door, he couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement for what lay ahead.

Tamarah had been up since dawn, her mind abuzz with thoughts about the festival. She wasn’t usually a morning person, but today was different. Today was the first real step toward creating the content she’d dreamed of. She spent extra time getting ready, wanting to make sure she looked her best. Her camera was already packed, memory cards checked and double-checked.

As she left her flat, the cool morning air brushed against her skin, making her shiver slightly. She pulled her coat tighter around her and made her way to the café, where the group was set to meet.

Cameron, unlike the others, had woken up with a slight hangover. The night at the Candlestick had been longer than he’d planned, but he hadn’t regretted it. The bar had felt like home, and the conversations had been grounding. Still, as he rolled out of bed, he knew he had to get his head in the game for the day ahead.

He downed a glass of water, followed by a strong cup of black coffee, which helped clear the fog from his mind. After a quick shower and a change into a crisp button-down and jeans, he grabbed his things and headed out the door. As he walked to the café, the cool morning air helped him fully wake up, sharpening his focus.

The five of them converged at the café just before 9:00 a.m., the familiar spot they had visited the day before. The atmosphere was lively, filled with the chatter of other early risers. They each grabbed a coffee, the caffeine a welcome boost for what would be a long day ahead.

“Ready for this?” Ben asked as they all sat down at a table near the window, his energy palpable.

“As ready as we’ll ever be,” Jay replied, a confident smile on his face.

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