Chapter 4 - Saviour

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Xiaobao was getting sacred seeing the Wild bore as it ran towards Him and jumped on Xiaobao and he closed his eyes accepting his fate but before that someone struck His sword on the wild boar And he fell on the other side, Xiaobao opened his eyes and saw A long hair guy standing before him shielding him

He shot arrows at the wild boar and it died within no time , He turned around and Xiaobao didn't lie it was the most beautiful face he has seen , the man Has a cold and sinister demeanour on his face , he started removing Xiaobao's rope

What are you doing at this hour , don't you know how dangerous it is for kids to litter here and who tied you here , what did you do ?

He said scolding Xiaobao and He got angry at his saviour

Do I look like a kid to you
He said angrily

And Huai En hit his head
Is it a way to talk to your elders , follow me kid I'll escort you home

Xiaobao stomped his foot angrily
I'm not a kid I'm turning twenty this year

I'm 24 ,the man said irritated

No way I'm going with you , thank you for saving me but I don't need your help

Xiaobao said walking away when The man interrupted

Be aware of the forest ghost and also hyenas, and jackals

Xiaobao stopped but he then he but his lips and continues to walk

Also it's going to rain , someone so delicate like you would get fever

I can manage , i don't need your concern

Xiaobao said as he heard a wolf howling, he shivered in fear , he walked some few metres away and it started raining, Just then the man came

Hey come let's go it's raining

Go away ,i don't need your help

Xiaobao said But the man was strong he grabbed Xiaobao's hand and tied his hands with a rope and toss him on his shoulder

Hey what are you doing? Let go !

But the man ran holding Xiaobao who kept shouting till they reach a small hut , He quickly put Xiaobao on the bed and removed his clothes

What are you going to do

Xiaobao said fearing but then The man took off another pair of clothes from his shelf and gave them to Xiaobao freeing his hands

Wear this ! I'm afraid You'll catch cold it's raining outside, I'll be waiting outside till you get dressed up

He said as he went outside, Xiaobao quickly removed his clothes and changed himself into the clothes given by the stranger ,Hewas impressed at the kindness by the stranger to be honest it was first time in his life when someone treated him with tenderness

Xiaobao, How could you even lose this simple match

Father, I was , I was having a cold

Cold ?

Last night I got a little wet in the rain so I got cold

Xiaobao said trembling , he was waiting for the whip to land on him But his father put his hand on Xiaobao's hair and patted it

You should have told me before son , i wouldn't have let you fight

Xiaobao looked at his father with love thinking he would care for him But then his father grabbed his hair and dragged him to The exit of the castle,where it was raining hard,he ordered two of his soldiers to tie Xiaobao's hand to two three and left him there whole night in rain

Xiaobao caught cold and he has fever for 7 days but still his father didn't have mercy on him , he punished him all night by whipping him

The door opened and the stranger walked in with a hot pot , Xiaobao wiped his tears and he saw the stranger

You don't need to be afraid, I'm Huai En , I live here

He said offering tea to Xiaobao, Xiaobao smiled at Huai En

I'm fine I don't want this

You're cold , drink this , while I'll bring something to eat

Huai En said as he hand Xiaobao tea and went to cook , Xiaobao looked at the room and it was a decent house with very less utensils and a table at the corner of the room

Do you live here alone ? Mr Huai En

Yes, i mostly travel the world so I live here when I come back to China

Huai En said as he cooked

You're travelled rhe world Xiaobao asked excited

Yes I've been to a lot of places , I can't live in a place for ever I'm a gypsy

Do you live alone without anyone's help

You see it's good to live your life on your own terms , so I told my family I want to live my life my own way and they allowed me

Xiaobao was happy hearing Huai En's free spirited life , he was rich but he never had a peaceful life , His mother died when he was a toddler and his father remarried, The new queen and his father always torture him and make his life a living hell

What about you have you travel anywhere

No , I've never been to anywhere

Xiaobao said feeling said , he was never allowed to step out of the Kingdom without his father's permission , but his father always punished him by throwing him in a lonely and scary forest

Here take it

He offered some soup to Xiaobao

It's the least I can make

He said with an embarassing face and Xiaobao took it from him and drank the soup

It's so tasty Huai En

Xiaobao said as he began slurping the soup and Huai En poured him more

What is your name ?
He asked

Xiaobao , my name is Xiaobao

Xiaobao said drinking the soup

Are you the king's relative?

Huai En asked as he pointed to the Royal pendent on Xiaobao's neck, Xiaobao wipes his lips

I.. I'm the prince


Huai En looked shocked hearing Xiaobao's confession

Prince ? Then what were you doing at the late hour , being tied up , did someone kidnapped you or did someone tried to kill you

Xiaobao was embarassed to say that his own father did that as his punishment but he couldn't

Xiaobao, try running away from me and I'll show you hell

No matter where you're I'll find you

If you tell this about anyone, the person along with you will be thrown in the poison cell ,

I was captured by my father's enemy and they threw me in the forest alone ,they wanted revenge from my father so

Xiaobao said panicking, and Huai En face changed, Xiaobao thought huai en didn't believe him

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