The Auditorium

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- "The dark scares 'em."

"Why do you assume they're frightened? They might be in hiding. Maybe they're predators waiting to pounce. We've seen plenty of species that lay traps for their food."

- "Have we ever found a species that wasn't afraid of the dark?"

"My point is that they may not be afraid. There could be any number of reasons they are not out and about."

- "Sure, sure. It's your same old argument. I'm just glad there aren't any of the nasty buggers around."

"I find them rather charming."

- "Two arms? Really? Charmin'? Or is it the two legs you like? And that nose!"

"It's symmetrical."

- "Your head is symmetrical."

"Yes, of course it is. You know I was born with an extra eye. It actually helps me to see better."

- "That's just what your multipara told you so you wouldn't be sad. Seven is ideal. Always has been."

"Five of my litter mates also had eight eyes. Two others had nine."

- "Your multipara should have been sterilized after that batch. Bunch of freaks."

"You are too quick to dismiss the value of extra organs."

- "If you had an extra ink sac, would you count that as a good thing?"

"You know that ink sacs are vestigial. Why would I count an extra one any more valuable than the one I have?"

- "Well, extra eyes just get in the way."

"Actually, vision can be enhanced. Think about it. By adding points of reference, extra eyes can improve depth perception."

- "That's what they told you. I'm sayin' it's not true. Somethin' else we're never gonna agree on."

"Rather than arguing, we should study this facility before we're observed. Where shall we start?"

- "The large buildin' over there."

"Why that one? This one here is closer. We have to go through them all, anyway."

- "The biggest one. That makes it the most important. Start from there and work our way back."

"You don't give these creatures much credit, do you?"

- "Well, they're afraid of the dark, aren't they?"

"I don't think you can justify that conclusion. Let's just start with this structure. We can go to the big one next."

- "This buildin' is simple. It's long and narrow. Must be a place where they eat or raise their young."

"Wouldn't it be better if we went inside, looked around? We might learn something."

- "I can see from out here. Look, they've got these big openin's to let the light in. I told you they were afraid of the dark."

"My research tells me those are called 'windows.'"

- "They make wind?"

"I believe they stop it."

- "They could stop it better if they weren't there."

"Good point. You might be right about letting in light."

- "Look, this room is just like the last. What are those little tables? The chairs are all facin' the same direction."

"I think they call those desks."

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