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A week after Newt’s attempt they moved him back to his room. He spent most of his time in his hammock sleeping. 

Nick had made him some sort of crutches which she had Minho deliver but he wouldn't use them. Not until he saw her. 

Nick had been avoiding their room, she spent more of her time locked away in her Invention hut. 

At first she was sleeping in there as well but Ben invited her to sleep in his room and the other boys made her sleep in there. 

That was if she did sleep. 

She wanted to see him, wanted to be by his side but she couldn't. Not when she didn't know what to say, not when she felt like it was her fault. 

Newt refused to move from the room until she came to see him. In his eyes the world isn't worth living in if she would never speak to him again. 

He barely ate or drank and he didn't bother taking care of himself properly anymore. He still didn't want to be alive but he had messed that up.

Minho was always by his side when he wasn't in the maze or with Nick. He stayed by Newt’s side even if he lashed out at him. 

Newt had said a bunch of hurtful things to Minho, Alby and whoever else came to see him but they didn't take offence. They knew he was hurting and they needed to be there for him. 

Gally took the backlash from Nick when he would pick her up and drag her out the Invention room to eat or to just interact with the others. 

Fry had ordered Jordan to stay with Nick so they knew she wasn't driving herself insane by working. 

Most of the time Jordan got Gally to pick her up and bring her into the kitchen just so he could work and be with her. 

Currently Jordan was sitting on a stool that Nick had put in the Invention room for him whilst Nick wrote on some paper. She wouldn't let him see what she was writing so he had no clue. 

“Have you gone to visit him yet?” Jordans voice cut through the silence. 

“What do you think?” Nick snapped. 

Jordan moved his stool over to hers and lay his head on her shoulder. Slowly she moved her head on top of his. 

“Your papers blank.” He observed. 

“Can't think. Not anything good.” 

“It'll come to you soon.” 

“I sure hope so.” Nick mumbled putting the pencil down. 

The door opened, making the two turn to see Gally, “Lunch time.” 

“Don't carry me.” She glared at him, “I'm coming.” 

Nick walked past him towards the kitchen where the other boys were heading. Minho and Ben had the day off from running. 

They had been taking a lot of them so Minho could be with Newt. Anything to help him get better. 

They also refused to let Nick run, it was mainly because they were worried she would get lost in the maze or do something stupid. 

Nick took a plate of ham and tomato sandwich before sitting down on a table. Another thing she had been doing was staying away from their usual table. 

She heard someone sit in front of her but assumed it to be Jordan, Ben or Winston. The three had been joining her whenever she came out of her Invention room for lunch. 

“You should go see him, She-bean.” 


“Can’t. I'm eating lunch.” 

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