League of Villains {Chapter 4}

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{This book is for older readers only}

{This Chapter contains Sweet talk, Passing out}

The only thing I can make out is a blonde girl with pigtails and two guys in long coats standing on the cliff. Their presence felt out of place, and their intense stares were unsettling. The scene made me uneasy we knew something bad was about to happen.

"Aw, who's the cute emo guy with the white and red hair? He's got an intense look that's kind of irresistible." the blonde girl's voice called out from the edge of the cliff, the wind carrying her laughter down to him below.

"Shoto Todoroki, right? Your dad was number 2, but now with All Might out of the way, he's number 1. Must be a lot to take in." The guy with the fingers smirks as he jumps down from the cliff and lands effortlessly in front of Shoto. "Don't worry, we're not here to cause you any trouble. We're actually after her quirk it's something we need for our plans. We're not going anywhere until we get it, so just stay out of our way and let us take care of what we need to do."

"Are you really thinking I'd just let you touch her?" I shot a hard look at the guy with the hoodie pulled over his head. Todoroki's glare was intense, his eyes blazing with hate. He took a step forward, making it clear he wasn't going to back down.

The guy in the hoodie chuckled, unfazed by the tension in the air. "You're tough, I'll give you that," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But you're outnumbered. Do you really think you can protect her all by yourself?".

Todoroki didn't flinch. "Try me," he said coldly, his voice as icy as the frost forming on his hand. The air around him grew colder, but the guy in the hoodie didn't budge, a sly grin spreading across his face as if he was enjoying the challenge.

"That's cute" the guy in the hoodie sneered, crossing his arms. "You really think your quirk is going to scare me off?". Todoroki's face stayed calm as he took another step forward. his voice steady. "Don't touch her."

The guy let out a low sigh. He signals the guy with purple burns all over to him to come around Todoroki. And the guy with the burn scar's punches Todoroki in the stomach.

The guy let out a low sigh, clearly unimpressed. He signaled to the guy with purple burns all over his skin. "Get around him," he ordered. The burned guy moved quickly. Todoroki tried to keep track of him, but before he could fully turn his head around, the scarred guy swung a heavy punch right into his stomach. The impact drove the air out of Todoroki's lungs, making him double over and gasp for breath as he clutched his stomach.

Todoroki barely had time to react before the punch landed. His knees buckled, and he hit the ground before he even knew what was happening. Everything around him started to blur, his body refusing to listen to his desperate pleas to get up. His heart raced as he saw the guy with burns everywhere grab his girl. He tried to move, tried to shout, but nothing came out. His vision was fading fast, his thoughts slipping away. The last thing he saw was "object" terrified face, their eyes screaming for help as she was dragged away. And then, just like that, everything went dark.

"Let me go! Seriously, put me down!" I yelped, wriggling as the guy with scars grabbed me. My heart was hammering in my chest, pure panic setting in. "You can't just, stop! I don't know what you think you're doing, but I am not going with you!". He didn't even pause. With one swift motion, he picked me up like I was some kind of ragdoll and slung me over his shoulder. As my ass was totally in view for everyone to see. "Are you kidding me?". I kept kicking, trying to push against his back. "Put me down! You're not getting away with this! Someone will come... Todoroki will come...!".

But he didn't react, not even a flinch. My fists pounded against him, but it was like hitting a brick wall. "Do you even hear me? You can't just carry me off like this! I'm not some damsel in distress let me go!" My voice was shaky, but I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. The fear bubbling inside me was too strong.

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