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My office ended up being located in the same restricted area the patients are held in, with the medical bay housed nearby

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My office ended up being located in the same restricted area the patients are held in, with the medical bay housed nearby. After being debriefed over expectations and rules associated with working with them, I was given an official schedule for each patient. My job included conducting observatory notes daily while performing more in-depth check-ups twice a day. The eight of them were split into groups of two for this, the same day every week, the same pair on each designated day.

Monday - 9573 & 2641

Tuesday - 9038 & 7753

Wednesday - 6438 & 1431

Thursday - 9485 & 1941

I mentally reminded myself which ones were found in which hall, grabbing a sheet of paper and writing it down to better visualize it as I worked through my schedule. I had been informed that Dr. Park took care of today's general workups and would leave his report on my desk, while General Baek and James showed me around. I found the document on my desk upon my return. Picking it up, it was rather mundane, the only provided information being the room temperature and humidity, recorded time, date, patient ID, patient body condition, mentation, and a small notes section delineating any other issues/conditions that should be noted or addressed at the next follow-up. At the very bottom of the page was the doctor's signature, Dr. Park's decorating the line in elegant scrawl.

Don't doctors usually have terrible handwriting?

Huffing out a breath, I set aside the files. Aliens.

I could hardly keep the word from bouncing around in my head. Of all the things I had managed to conjure up last night, I had to admit aliens weren't on the exhaustive list. If I could even refer to them as such. Of the few I'd seen they all looked relatively human. A little unusual hair coloring and super hearing, the latter of which was about the only thing that, as far as I knew, humans weren't capable of. I pinched the bridge of my nose, stuck between my intrigue and wanting to get started right away. Did I make the right decision by choosing to join this team? I was beyond out of my element. Human medicine was one thing. Undertaking a completely new species not even of this planet we resided in felt like I was biting off more than I could chew. A quiet knock filled the silent room, my eyes lifting just as the door opened and a familiar head of brown hair poked in.

"Jim- err..."

"You can call me Star."


"Is it weird?" He chuckled, scratching the back of his neck.

"No. I was just thinking it was sort of appropriate. For a couple of reasons." I laughed, standing to meet him. "What can I do for you?"

"Oh." He jolted as if remembering he was here for a reason, stepping inside. "I came to bring you your credentials. Apart from me and the General, I'm not sure who all has access back here so I volunteered to bring them to you."

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