xxxv. 𝑹𝒂𝒇𝒆...

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//chapter thirty-five• Rafe

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//chapter thirty-five

going to be on our side, Rose!" Rafe's scream echoed out of the room he was in as Andrew walked through the cabins, trying to figure out where he was. He froze when he heard his step-brother, a flight instinct kicking in which Andrew has to fight.


"They're..." Rafe seems to be forcing himself to calm down as he punched the side of the couch. "They think they're Pogues now, alright? Just..." He struggles to snap his fingers, hand trembling in rage. "Transformation complete. So as long as they know where we are, we are never going to be safe. We need to think logically about what we need to do to contain them-"

Suddenly a voice came over the PA. "Attention, all passengers and crew. Report to the tween forward hull. Attention, all passengers, all crew. Report to the tween forward hull. That's an order."


"Repeat, all passengers, all crew. Report to the tween forward hull. Immediately."

Was God actually smiling on Andrew? Andrew? That never happened.

There couldn't be a more perfect distraction. Finding a radio would be a lot easier if people weren't paying attention, or not even around.

Andrew hid when Rose and Rafe came out of the cabin, heading towards the front hull to do as the captain told them. Andrew, however, wasn't gonna. He figured a radio would be at the bridge, which meant he had to get to the deck.

The air outside was hot and windy, hotter than Andrew thought it would be, hotter than the fall weather in OBX. The sun was bright against every vibrantly painted metal surface. Holy shit. Andrew hated boats. Ward took the Camerons on a cruise a few years ago, and Andrew hated it. A cargo ship was even worse.

And boats, Andrew, and concussions don't mix well.

He tripped over his own feet twice on the way up the stairs, grabbing his railing to stop him from falling off the side of the ship.

Just when he was about to potentially throw up from the pain in his head and the rocking of the ship, something silver caught his eye.

He barely dodged.

Metal clanged against metal as a fishing gaff hit the railing inches from him. "You weren't in your room."

Andrew's chest thundered as loud as his head.


"Sorry, must've gotten confused with the concussion you gave me." Andrew didn't waste time booking it before he even got the full sentence out. His hand didn't come off a railing or a wall as he ran, trying not to topple over the entire time.

MR. I HATE YOU ✶ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now