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Its been three days since Jack and I kissed. We haven't been as awkward as I assumed, at least not on Jack's part. If anything, he was even making his interest in me more apparent. He made absolutely no effort to try and hide his clear attraction and I'm not sure if that was a good or bad thing.

I'm in the bathroom, working on my eyeliner when I hear my name being shouted from down the hall.

"What?" I respond, trying to quickly finish the wing before I get interrupted.

"Are you ready?" they ask. I turn my head from the mirror and to the door, where I see Jack leaning against the frame. I didn't even need to look in order to know it was him, but I did anyways.

"Ready for what?" I ask him as I conceal my eyeliner and place it back in my makeup bag with my few other cosmetics.

"The bust. I told you about it the other day," he explains, as his tongue separates his lips, wetting them. I completely forgot. They were talking how they were going to rob another convenient store about 30 minutes from here.

I gulp. "Oh yeah," I respond. I've done a gun-point robbery before, but I never been one to like it. Just the thought of having to possibly shoot someone or possible getting shot, sickens me. I preferred to sneak things when they weren't looking. I've always been one to believe that subtle wins the prize.

But then again, I guess there are times where you have to do more upfront things. Especially, when you need to the money and not just a fucking granola bar or something.

I quickly recover and divert my attention back on Jack. "Alright, I'll be out in a minute," I tell him and with that, he leaves.

"We'll be out in the truck waiting," he calls from a distance. I nod even though he can't see me.

I finish up my look with red lipstick and quickly put all of my things in my bag before I head out. When I get to the front, I see a white van. One of those creepy vans that everyone always thinks a pervert or a killer is the owner of.

Out of everything they could drive, they pick this as a getaway car? Really?

The side doors are open so I welcome myself in getting into them. The first thing I notice is the fact that they had two couches which looks like they just threw in here and covered with a bunch of blankets and fur covers. I sit on one of the empty seats, as Sam closes the door behind me.

"Alright, we ready?" Nate asks, who was the one driving. I guess he was going to be in charge of the getaway.

Everyone starts yelling and chanting, signaling that they were. Almost instantly, Nate skids to a start and starts speeding down the road.

"Where's the whiskey?" I ask. I needed to take off some of the worry I was having.

"Now, we're talking," Jack hollers as he passes me a full bottle of alcohol in which he was drinking out of. I take a big gulp of it, causing my throat to burn uncontrollably. Once it was getting too much for me to bear, I hand the bottle back to Jack as I make a face when the rest of it went down my throat.

"Hey, stop being a fucking pansy," he tells me as he takes a chug for himself.

"Alcohol burns everyone throats, you dumbass," I tell him, playfully slapping him in the arm. I grab the bottle from him, basically snatching it from him as I take another mouthful of it.

"So, who's doing what?" I ask, leaning back on the couch.

"I'm going in, but I need someone to go in with me and grab the money while I make sure someone doesn't do anything stupid," he replies.

Without even thinking, I respond. "I'll do it," I agree, raising my hand unintentionally.

Jack looks at me, as does the others, with a look of surprise on their faces. "Well damn okay," Johnson laughs. "Laila it is."

I'm caught off guard when I suddenly hear a deep and raspy voice in my ear. "Hm, maybe you aren't such a pansy after all," Jack whispers in my ear, nibbling on my lobe briefly before he pulls away.

I turn to look at him. "Guess not, huh?" I reply in a mocking manner, as I raise one of my eyebrows knowingly.


* a/n *

well hello, i know i said i might not continue this but i made a vine edit of the plot (my acc is moonlight mendes if ya wanna see it) & it got me inspired again so here we are lmao
~ amy 🌿🌾

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