Clueless Cuteness

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Brie's POV

I woke up miserable. It was Saturday morning, half of eight and I think that explains everything. Harry was not with me obviously, even though my parents loved him, there was no way they would let him spend the night, let alone would they let us sleep in the same bed together. I checked my phone like I usually do in the morning.

Messages (12)
Missed Calls (2)

All fourteen notifications from none other than Harry Styles himself. Some messages ranged by time, some sent at 12 in the morning and some two minutes ago. I looked at the older ones first, similar to me, Harry had a rough time sleeping last night. I know that it was only a week that we had shared a bed but, it will no longer be the same. The most recent messages saying

"Good morning beautiful. I know you're probably asleep knowing you but I just wanted to say I love you. X"
"Hey baby, thanks for the art lesson yesterday. You're bloody incredible with that stuff!"
"I tried drawing something last night when I got home and it looked terrible. Lol"
"Brie, I know that it's only 7:30 but can I come over? If it's ok with your parents?"

With the last message I ripped the duvet off of me and ran down the hall to my parents room. Even on a Saturday morning they were up at the crack of dawn.

"Hey mum, can Harry come over today? And when I mean today, like in a couple minutes he'll be here, if you say yes." I said, playing with my hands, all the while keeping eye contact with her.

"Yes Brie, he can obviously come over." She giggled at my sudden outburst so early in the morning. I ran back to my room and typed a quick response for Harry.

I then hopped into the shower and changed into an outfit I had already put together in my closet. After throwing my hair up into a high pony and putting very little makeup on, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I exclaimed running past my father to get to the door. I fixed my hair and calmed down a bit before opening the door.

"Hey." I smiled, after the door opened to reveal the tanned, long haired, green eyed boy.

"Surprised you're up this early on a Saturday, Ms. Thomas." He chuckles walking into the coat room.

"Whatever, prick. Wait a second we're matching," looking down at his Nike sweats. I closed and locked the door, then led him into our media room, and immediately snuggled into him once he sat besides me.

"How'd I know this was going to happen?" Harry asks, twirling a piece of my hair.

"Just shut up and stay warm. That's what you're here for." I giggled into his chest.

"Alright baby." He whispered pulling the extra duvet we kept on the couch over the two of us.

I guess I fell asleep because the moment I opened my eyes, my father stood in the kitchen across from us making lunch. Harry was still asleep, cute and peaceful. I sneaked out of his grasp and into the bathroom to get the icky taste out of my mouth.

I had my eyes trained on the floor and then the next thing I knew I was on my arse.

"Is this what our relationship is going to be, a constant occurrence of me falling and you apologizing?" I laughed, pulling myself up with his help.

"I guess, baby girl." Harry responds, while pulling me into the kitchen. We had an amazing lunch, and then decided because of the rain outside that we would watch movies.

"Can we watch Clueless babe, pleaseeeee?" I asked, grabbing the movie from the box under the telly.

"As if." He scoffed, nodding his head afterwards. Before the movie started I grabbed a bunch of junk and placed it on the table in front of us.

We sat and watch movies for hours. Ok, maybe we didn't exactly watch movies the entire time, we of course kissed and cuddled, not taking it too far.

My mum and dad walked down the stairs, elegantly dressed.

"Now where are the two of you going?" I asked curiously.
"Your father and I were invited to my boss' party." My mum answered, digging around her purse.
"Oooooh, we'll be safe you two." I joked, taking the money my mum handed me.
"Yeah yeah Brie. Oh, and Harry, you're allowed to stay until we get back. Whenever that is." My dad said, walking out the door, my jaw dropping.

"They did not just..." I said, turning to Harry.
"What?" Harry chuckles at my sudden occurrence of shock.
"My parents- wouldn't even, don't even allow my boy cousins to sleep over my house. So allowing you to stay, is shocking." I explain, getting up and grabbing some take away menus.

We ended up ordering Chinese takeaway and continued watching movies until Harry wanted to do something different. I was up for anything really, still in shock that my parents allowed Harry to stay over even while they were away. I guess they trust me? No, it's more like they trust Harry, I'm barely trusted to do others laundry.

"So what is it that you want to do that is soooo much better than watching movies and eating Chinese takeaway?" I ask him, turning around to look at his face.
"Didn't you say you used to sing? Can you sing for me? I mean, I've seen you sing with the girls, but what about just yourself? And then we can mess around singing dumb songs I promise if you sing one song for me." He stated, displaying a very convincing puppy dog face.

Damn those dimples. "One song?" I asked warily. Harry nodded and I pulled him upstairs to the guest bedroom where the sound and recording equipment was. It was a guest bedroom at first, but once my parents found out that I loved singing, they made a recording studio, placing cork and foam around the walls to make sure the sound wasn't bouncing off anything, buying the expensive equipment, and all the software I needed to edit videos and sound.

"Wow, you were pretty serious about this, yeah?" he asked sitting on the couch on the opposite side of the room. "I was," I answered, still unsure of this situation, the last time I did this was the time I posted my last video ever on tumblr. I've always had this hunger to get back into it but I was scared, scared that the words would come back, scared the panic attacks would come back, scared the hospital visits would come back, everything- just scared everything would come back.

"Brie, babygirl are you alright?" Harry asked, getting off the couch and walking over to me. I nodded but knew the tears in my eyes were telling a different story. "You're scared, huh?" he whispered enveloping me in his arms and pressing my head into his chest. I nodded again, not trusting my words. "Does it still bother you?" He asked, looking down at me, his eyebrows furrowed. I didn't respond, allowing the tears that are now slipping down my face answer for me. "Hey, hey, listen to me, I'll bet you a thousands pounds that all those people that said mean things to you, were jealous because your voice is absolutely incredible." He whispered, kissing my forehead and wiping away the tears that were still on my face.

Once I had regained my composure, I walked over to the booth my dad had made and placed the headphones on. The opening beats of the song Bad Day by Daniel Powter streamed through, and I calmed myself down before opening my mouth to start singing. I sang with so much passion that I forgot that Harry was even in the room. This song meant so much to me, I could connect it in any part of my life, people telling me to cheer up but not understanding that the problem wasn't something that could go away so easily. The last few notes of the song rang through the headphones and I smiled at myself, so happy that I conquered getting back in this converted bedroom and singing. Of course I had sung after the whole tumblr incident, but it was never in this room. So this was a giant step for me and I'm happy I went through Harry's suggestion of singing because I don't think I could've done it by myself.

"Babe! You did great! It wasn't that hard now was it?" He asked, walking over to me, that stupid grin splayed across his face. "I guess not." I laughed as he threw me onto the random mattress we have in the room.

Maybe, Just Maybe, You're Worth It (One Direction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu