I never asked to be on this world, I was forced here. Who was I forced by? Just my parents who decided that 17 was a prefect age to start a family. I can't really relate to anyone in my school, other than my two best friends, there are crowds that I just don't fit into. I mean, I try but it's not that great of an effort. I don't mind being alone either, I'm basically alone at home too. My parents didn't finish University or even College for that matter. They don't have jobs that pay well, but always seem to find a way to scrounge up some money to buy the latest Jordan's or the really cool Chanel bag in the mall window.
Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I forgot to introduce myself, hey I'm Gabriele, no not Gabriel like a guy, Gab-rie-elle. I'm a 16 year old girl, who is trying to survive highschool. I'm interested in a lot of things that I just don't want to show off. For example, I'm a huge fan of the bands, All Time Low, Five Seconds of Summer and One Direction, maybe you've heard of them? You already know the story about my parents, Ryder and Noelle, they're not the greatest parents but they'll do.
Anyway back to myself, wow I sound like a conceited white girl. Something that I'm not may I add. I'm British and Arabian decent and I live in England. Not London, everyone assumes that since I live in England that I live in London, no I live in Holmes Chapel, which just so happens to be where Harry Styles lived when he was little, eeeeeeee! Fangirling moment. Ok, Gabriele keep your cool. Anywho, my fashion sense is pretty cool I guess, it's girly girl meets skater chic.
Although I don't fit into many crowds at school I do have the two greatest best friends in the world, Kris and Zulieka, but we call her Zulie. We have all the same classes and hang out all the time, plus we fangirl almost every day together.
It's getting cold sitting by the window, fuck you English April air. Well, what shall we do? Ooh, we can play some One Direction!
Better than words
but more than a feeling
crazy in love
Dancing on the cei-
"Gabriele Ryker Thomas, turn those faggots off!"
Really dad, thanks. "For the last time dad, they're not gay! At least I hope, " mumbling the last part to myself as I plug my earphones into the jack of my iPod. Again, where do my parents get this kind of money? Oh and yeah, I have a boy middle name, but it's kind of cool if you think about it. Plus, I like the name Ryker, so lucky me!
"Hey, Gabriele, it's your bestest friend.... really you had to think about it? It's Zulie you little mofo!" My phone goes off, I tried to change Zulie's ringtone but she bit my hand so I didn't.
"Mofo on the line, " I say smirking to myself.
"Hi, I like to order three One Direction tickets for my friend Kylie, myself and my other friend Luke," Zulie says as she tries not to laugh.
"I'm sorry but we're all sold out, sweetheart. You should've invited your friend Gabriele instead, then maybe you would've gotten tickets."
"Well, that would suck, if I brought her," Zulie jokes
"Why did you call me, Zulie?" I ask her, still unaware of why she called.
"Oh right, you will not believe this!" She starts but I cut her off.
"Which band are we talking about here?"
"One Direction, of course!" She literally screams down the phone.
"Ok, go on."
"They're coming to our school, bitches!"
"Wait, what, when, how?" I ask, how did this happen.
"Well, they had a contest and I entered and won. They're coming next week!"
"No, you're kidding right?"
"I'm 100% serious!"
"Well, I'm going to go fangirl now, so umm bye!" I say before I hang up.
"Mum, Mum, Muuuuuuum!" I yell as I run out of my room and down to the kitchen.
"What Gabby, what's wrong?"
"SoZuliejustcalledmeandshesaidthatsheenteredthiscontestandshewonandOneDirectioniscomingtoourschool! Mum, they're coming to our school!!!"
"Wait, say that again Gabby, " My dad says leaning over the island.
"So, Zulie called me and she said that she entered this contest and she won and One Direction is coming to our school!"
"That's really cool," Mum says.
I run back up to my room and jump on my bed. Wow, One Direction is going to my school. They're going to be at my flacking school.
Well, there you go. The first chapter of this fanfic.
If you like this one read my other fanfic, Promise Ring (Harry Styles).
Shay xx

Maybe, Just Maybe, You're Worth It (One Direction)
FanficGabriele Thomas and her friends, Zulieka Raft and Kris Upton are huge directioners. When one of the girls wins a concert experience at their school from the boys, they're ecstatic. But will they get more than they expected?