Chapter 5

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*Authors note* Well I decided to come back after 2 years, I know I was away for a pretty long time without updating but I'm hoping that now I'll update atleast every week!

As I watch Justin walk away far enough for me not to see him, I take a deep breath in and softly exhale as I stare up at the night sky. I carefully look at every star, and then I close my eyes.

"Oh how I wish my life was different..." I think to myself. Before I let a tear fall from my eye, I suck it up and I stand up from the swing.

"You're strong *yn*. Be the bad bitch that you are." I say to myself, voice full of pride and I start to make my way out of the park. Sure I think highly of myself... But is that just a cover up of all the feelings I have to endure on my own?

I groan as I feel the morning light on my face. I try to open one eye but get suddenly blinded so I immediately cover my face with my blanket.

"Come on *yn*, time for school." I hear mom say. I take the blanket off my face as I look up at her. She's standing in front of me, hands on her hips with a cocked eyebrow.

"Is it time for hell?" I mumble.

"Yup. It's time for hell." Mom smiles and makes her way towards the door.

"You have 20 minutes to be out this door. Be late, and I might move you out of this city instead of just out of that school." Mom mocks and leaves faster than I could throw a pillow at her. I look out my window which had the perfect view to Jason's house. His windows were still covered, so I was guessing that he was skipping school today. Usual jason.

I stand up from my bed and make my way towards the bathroom. I start to brush my teeth, wash my face to perk me up, and do any other needs that a person needs to do in the morning. I apply a light amount of makeup and then I run to my closet, pulling out the first couple things I find. Light wash jeans, An army green crop top and black low boots. I walk over to my bed and grab my bag, which I realize was already neatly packed. I lightly chuckle.

"Thanks mom." I whisper as I turn to my mirror. I let go of my hair and I just let the natural waves take over. I play with it a little until I get the perfect look, and I'm out the door.

"Finished in exactly 17 minutes, thank you very much." I gladly say to my mom as she lets out a laugh.

"Coffee?" She offers.

"No thanks. I'd like to be done with this day as soon as possible." I say. Mom lets out a loud sigh as I walk out the door, closing it behind me. Just walking out of the house, I spot jason on the steps of his.

"Why are you still here.. School starts in like 10 minutes." I say while looking at my watch.

"And you think that I care about school because?" Jason says with a smirk as he walks towards me. He prepares to give me a kiss until I quickly look away.

"Hey, hey what are you doing." He says while tightly gripping my arm.

"Ow." I say while deadly looking him in the eyes.

"I won't let go until you give me a kiss." He says, his stare penetrating into my soul. I lean in and slightly peck him on the lips, until he grabs my face and shoves his tongue down my throat. I suddenly get the urge of throwing up, but I stop myself until he decides to stop. I clean the saliva off of my face and I look at him straight in the eye.

"Can I go now?" I ask in the nicest way possible.

"Well, I am taking you to school so." Jason says while walking to his car.

"Jason you can't" I say, but he stops me dead in the middle of my sentence.

"Did you forget that ridgeway is like 15 minutes away from here? You can't walk there like you used to walk to your old school." Jason says and unlocks the door. I climb in and sigh as I wait for him to drive away.

"I won't take you anywhere though until you solve that bitchy ass attitude of yours." Jason scolds.

"I'm just scared of my mom seeing me with you. Just drive, please?" I say while leaning in towards him. I grab his face as I move down to his neck, planting kisses all over and lightly sucking on his weak spots.

"Come on now, you don't want me getting hard and therefore making you late for school." Jason says and softly pushes me away. I give off a fake smile and with that, he quickly drives away. I stare out of the car window, leaning my head against the window. I suddenly start getting flashbacks of yesterday night... That Justin kid. I don't understand why jason hates him so much.. He seemed so kind. Or maybe it was just to me.

All I know is that I will look for him in school. I wanna see everything that he's made of.
To then just destroy him.. Before he has a chance of destroying me like everyone in my life does.

Within Our Hearts ❤ -Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now