Chapter 7

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       Those words had been echoing in my mind the entire day after the confrontation with Justin.

He changed you.

My eyes begin to water once again as I start to think of the possibility of that being true. I always wanted to change... But into a better person. I guess Jason definitely did the opposite of that.

"*yn*? Would you like to answer this question?" The teacher asks as I stare dead into her eyes.

"What" I blankly say, earning quite some laughs from the students around me. I furrow my eyebrows while looking at them all, until I look back at the teacher. The bell suddenly rings for lunch, and I watch all the students pack up and head to the cafeteria. I slowly stand up while the teacher still looks at me.

"You got saved." She says with a smile.

"Mhm." I say while trying to walk away as soon as possible.

"Just to let you know, if you try to cause trouble with me, there will be harsh consequences. I don't tolerate rude people." The teacher says while eyeing me up and down. I try very hard to control my anger. I take in a deep breath as I fake the most fakest smile I can possible fake.

"Okay." I say and I walk away. She thinks she can handle me? Please.

No one can.

Walking in to the cafeteria was the usual movie type scene. The rounded tables with the different squads. The emos, the jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds, and.... Justin?

I try to quickly make my way outside of the cafeteria until I hear someone holler my name.

"*yn*! Come here!" Justin says from behind me. He stands up from his table and makes his way to me, turning me around.

"Get off of me!" I yell, earning a few stares.

"Alright, alright chill." Justin says while backing off.

"I was just gonna ask if you wanted to join us for lunch." He asks while pointing to his table. His table was filled with 2 girls and 3 guys.

"Come on." Justin smiles while grabbing my hand. I bite the inside of my cheek while I let him lead the way. I've never been good with people. Never have, never will.

"HEEEEEY who's this cutie?" A tan-skinned muscular guy asks. He gives me a wink once I look at him, immediately followed by a scoff.

"This is *yn*. She just transferred today." Justin says while looking at me. Him and I exchange stares, for as long as I'd say 5 seconds. It starts to get quiet so I immediately look away, making eye contact with the two girls.

"Yeah, I did." I say while calming my breath.

Why am I nervous?

"How can I forget, you called basically everyone in this school snotty and rich." The girl says.

"Oh yeah! You're the girl from home room! Sorry about that." I say with a smile.

She laughs while shrugging her shoulders.

"It's fine. Sit." She says, and that's exactly what I do.

The whole 30 minutes of lunch was filled with laughs, talks, and awkward stares from Justin. What was his deal...

The bells rings, and Justin informs me that lunch is now over.

"We go to last period now, right?" I ask Justin while he walks side by side with me.

"Mhm. Math." Justin smiles.

"Hey... Why did you keep staring at me at lunch?" I ask him.

"I was trying to comprehend you... Like I don't understand you sometimes. One minute you're like bashing on me and telling me to get off and the next you're acting like we're the best of friends. Did I do something wrong?" He asks. His face showing concern.

"No, no. I'm just.... Like that I guess." I lied. Sometimes I don't even know what's wrong with me.

"Well, I like it better when we act like best friends." Justin smiles. I give him a fake smile while we continue walking to class.

Best friends my ass.

2 hours pass, and it is suddenly time to go home.

"You have your own car?" Justin asks while walking with me out of school.

"No, um, jason is picking me up." I say while scanning the parking lot for him.

"Oh... That's right. Well, just remember. Be caref-" Justin starts to say, until he gets interrupted by Jason's abrupt honking.

"Come on." Jason says in a deep, hoarse voice. He has shades over his eyes, so I didn't really know if he was mad or what.... Since his eyes told everything.

Justin looks at me, and then at jason. He shakes his head and then walks away. I look at Justin as he dissapears, and then at jason.

"Well. What are you waiting for." He says. I quickly make my way to the car, shutting the door behind me.

"Hey baby." I say, trying to ease the tension in the air. I try to give him a kiss on the lips, but he pushes me away.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Oh no.

"Why were you with him." Jason's asks, his hands cupping the steering wheel way too tightly. His knuckles were already turning white.

"Uh, we have last period together so he just offered to walk me out."

"You have legs and eyes you can walk out by yourself." Jason says and turns a corner.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we approach a dark alley. Jason puts the car in parking, and looks at me. He takes off his shades, his eyes beaming with anger.

"Don't ever disrespect me like that." He says.

"How am I disrespecting you... I was just hanging with a friend." I say courageously.

"A friend? Oh so now he's your friend?"

"What's so bad about that?" I ask. Suddenly in a jolting motion, he grabs my wrists.

"If I tell you to not see someone, obey me. Got it." Jason says, teeth clenched and all.

"Let go of me! And I can be friends with whoever I want, it's my life!" I shout, when suddenly I feel a pang of pain across my face. Jason slapped me. I hold my face while I look at him, tears streaming down my face.

"It's your life, huh? Find a ride home then." Jason says. He reaches over me and opens the door, and then aggressively pushes me out. His force was so strong I land on the ground. I yell in pain since I fell on my arm, but he gave no fucks. He closes the door and drives off, as fast as he can go.

Here I am, stranded. The darkness overpowers me and I bring my knees to my chest. I try to cover my face with my knees as I let out quiet cries.

What can I do now?

Within Our Hearts ❤ -Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now