37: Being Loud And Annoying Is a Strength

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Inside the dimly lit facility, Changbin, Kitty, and Rogue sat in their cages, each one restrained and visibly frustrated. The metal cages were cramped, and the dampening cuffs on their wrists suppressed their mutant abilities, leaving them feeling more vulnerable than usual. The other students, equally shackled and looking miserable, were scattered in nearby cages, but Changbin's antics were the most noticeable.

Changbin, now fully awake, was growing increasingly bored and restless. He began to make a variety of noises, from exaggerated sighs to random rhythmic beats by tapping his shackles against the bars. His boredom quickly transformed into a mission to entertain himself and irritate the guards.

"Hey Kitty, Rogue," Changbin said, leaning against the bars of his cage and pulling a series of funny faces. He crossed his eyes and puffed out his cheeks, then twisted his mouth into a comical frown.

Kitty rolled her eyes, trying to stifle a laugh. "Seriously, Changbin? Can't you just chill for a minute?"

"Nope!" Changbin said cheerfully. He stuck out his tongue and made exaggerated fart noises with his mouth, causing Rogue to snicker despite her own frustration.

"Ugh, you're such a pain," Rogue said, shaking her head. "But I guess it's better than sitting here in silence."

Changbin grinned and wiggled his eyebrows, then proceeded to make silly faces at the guards who stood nearby. The guards were growing increasingly irritated with the constant antics, their expressions darkening as Changbin continued to taunt them.

One of the guards, a burly man with a scowl permanently etched on his face, approached Changbin's cage. "Cut it out, kid," he snapped, clearly annoyed. "If you don't stop, we're gonna have to get rough."

Changbin stuck his tongue out and gave an exaggerated "blehhh" sound. "Make me!" he taunted, sticking his tongue out further and making a face that only added to the guard's frustration.

Suddenly, Changbin paused mid-taunt, his expression shifting from playful to mock-serious. "Wait, hold on," he said, raising a finger as if he'd just had a revelation. "Did you say, 'gonna have to get rough'? That sounds a little...weird, don't you think?"

The guard's scowl deepened, but before he could respond, Changbin continued, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Just so you know, I'm a minor. Not the age of consent, y'know? But hey, I totally support you and your, uh, gayness, sir. Love is love, right?"

Kitty choked back a laugh, and even Rogue had to turn her head to hide her smile. The guard's face flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment, his fists clenching at his sides. The other students in their cages watched the exchange with wide eyes, some of them snickering quietly.

"Shut your mouth, kid," the guard snapped, his voice quivering with barely restrained fury. "Or I'll—"

"Or you'll what? Tell me more about how you're 'gonna have to get rough' with me?" Changbin interrupted, leaning casually against the bars of his cage. "Honestly, you're not really helping your case here, dude."

The guard's nostrils flared, and he took a step closer to Changbin's cage, but Director Mason's voice cut through the tension like a knife. "Enough," she ordered, her tone cold and authoritative as she re-entered the room.

She shot a withering look at the guard, who quickly stepped back, his face still red with humiliation. "There's no need for any of this," she said, her gaze shifting to Changbin, who was now wearing an exaggeratedly innocent expression.

Changbin couldn't resist one last jab. "I'm just saying, maybe next time you wanna threaten someone, choose your words a little more carefully."

Director Mason sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in exasperation. "I'm not here to deal with your childish games, Changbin," she said, her patience clearly wearing thin. "But I will say this: keep pushing, and you'll find out just how serious we can get."

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