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I ran to my father with an arrow pierce through his stomach hanging on the wall.
"Oh my god dad." I said as tears were streaming down my face.
"P-Pu-ll it o-out." He said choking.
I grabbed the arrow with both my arms as I tried pulling it but it was so hard because it went through the wall too.
"I c-can't." I cried.
"Grace relax." He said trying to talk as blood was all over my hands and towel as I'm still in it.
I took deep breaths as I grabbed the arrow and pulled it out of him as he fell to the ground. I tossed the arrow as I grabbed the phone dialling 9-1-1, after that conversation I went to my dad and put pressure on his wound.
"Dad stay awake for me okay." I said trying to stay strong but I wasn't because I was just crying.
"T-they s-said...." He choked.
"Who said what dad?!"
"They said this i-is a w-warning." He said as he passed out.
"Dad!?" I said worriedly as I was shaking him.
"No no please dad!" I said as I put my ear to his chest as I calmed down knowing he just passed out.
The door opened as I thought it was the ambulance but was Stiles and Malia. They both froze looking at the scene in front of them with their jaw to the ground.
I just looked at them crying as they came over.
"Did you call the police?" Malia asked.
"I did they probably are coming."
"What happened?" Stiles asked beside me.
"I-I don't know. I c-came down and he's like t-this." I sobbed.
"Okay you come up with me and change while the ambulance come." Malia said as I didn't listen.
"I'm not leaving him." I said.
"Please just go Grace." Stiles said as I looked at him and sighed and got up.
I just put on shorts and a baggy hoodie and left my damp hair out. My hands were still bloody as I didn't care as I ran down the stairs seeing them taking my father away in the gurney.
I was going to go with him till someone grabbed my waist and pulled me back.
"Let me go!" I shouted crying as I watched my father go into the ambulance.
I looked back and it was Scott. When did he come?
"We will take you to the hopsital, but you are coming in Stiles car." He said feeling bad.
"Why?! I need to be with my dad! He's alone and in pain!" I screamed getting angry.
"You are in danger Grace, if you don't want your dad and yourself to be killed you have to stay with us now." He said.
He let me go as I patted myself off and just sat in Stiles car silently as they quickly drove while Scott rode his motorcycle right behind us.
"He's going to be okay Grace." Stiles said through the back mirror as I wasn't looking at him.
We reached the hospital as I ran before they ran and went to the counter asking for my dad.
"He's in the emergency room, no one is allowed inside so you have to wait." She said.
I frowned as tears were slipping as I was scared, scared about myself and my father. I walked slowly with my head hung low staring at the tiles below me. I sat sown on the chair just waiting.
I felt someones hand on my shoulder as I didn't look up.
"He's going to be okay." Scott said.
"This is all my fault." I said trying not to cry anymore but failed miserably.
"Don't say that, you have nothing to do with it." Malia said.
"Whoever did that to my father wanted me. They told my dad that shooting him with an arrow was just a warning. Why couldn't they just shoot me..." I said as they all looked at each other nervously.
"They want you cause you are worth the most, but we won't let anything happen to you. But you got to trust us." Scott said as I nodded slowly.
We all were back to silence.
Few minutes later it was still silent as Malia had her head on Stiles shoulder as they both were slowly drifting off to sleep and Scott was in the chair beside me on his phone texting Kira.
"Grace!" I heard someone say as I looked up and it was Liam in his PJ's.
I got up and ran to him and hugged him as he immediately hugged me back. I needed this so much, especially from him.
He was so warm, and cosy that I thought I fell asleep on his arm for a few seconds. But being in his arm I felt like I found my own protector, my own shield for myself which was him; his arms around me. It felt like a brick just hit me as I broke into tears which I was trying to hold for a while. He held me tighter as I did as well as my face was buried in his chest.
"Shh, it's okay, everything's okay." He tried to soothe me.
"It's n-not." I mumbled.
He let go of me as I was still holding him as he put both of his hands on my cheeks lifting my head slowly to make me look at his blue eyes. He wiped my tears with his thumb as I just looked at him.
"I know your scared, I'm scared too, we all are scared to death, literally. But I promise you Grace, I won't let anything happen to you or your family." He said.
"Thank you." I said as he hugged me again with a small smile.
"Now stop crying." He said in a jokingly way as I stopped.
We walked back to the group as they all were smiling at us as I sat on the chair as Liam sat on the other side beside me.
"How did you know I was here?" I asked him.
"Scott texted me." He said as I looked at Scott as he was smiling at me.
"Thank you." I said as I kind of wished Liam was here which Scott could probably tell.
"Did I bother your sleep?" I asked.
"I couldn't sleep anyways."
"Nightmare?" I asked.
"Something like that." He said as I nodded as I linked his arm and put my head on his shoulder realizing I slowly fell asleep.
"Grace, wake up." I heard someone say as I slowly flickered my eyelashes.
"The sheriff wants to talk to you." Liam said as I sat up seeing Sheriff Stilinski giving me a sad smile which I returned.
"Is it okay if I ask you a few questions Ms.Davis?" He asked as I nodded.
"What was the weapon that 'they' used to stab your father?" He asked.
"An arrow." I replied.
"We weren't able to find that evidence." He said as I was confused and looked over at Stiles as he was looking at me shaking his head making sure his father didn't see.
"Sh." He mouthed. I sighed.
"I'm not sure where it might be." I said.
"So what happened?" He asked.
"I was alone because he had to drop Liam off. I took a shower and was on the phone with your son till I heard the front door slam. I stayed on the phone and screamed seeing my father hanging from the wall bleeding to death with an arrow through his stomach. He told me the people that did this to him said it was just a warning." I said as Scott informed me that Sheriff knows about the truth about this whole dead pool thing.
"That's all the questions for now." He said as I nodded and he walked away.
"Stiles let's go home now." He said.
"Nah I'm gonna stay." He said.
"Stiles it's okay, you and Malia can go. You're tired and I don't want you guys to stay here with me." I said.
"But--" He said.
"I'll be here don't worry." Scott said as Stiles nodded and walked out with Malia and his father.
I sighed as I slouched back in my chair waiting.
"Grace Davis?" Nurse McCall said.
"Yeah." I said getting up from my chair along with Scott and Liam.
"Your father is okay but in a little pain as he went through surgery, but he's alive." She smiled as I smiled in joy.
"Can I see him?" As she nodded. I went into his room seeing him sleeping so I just sat in the stool beside his bed as held his hand.
"I'm sorry for doing this to you, for putting you in all of this. I shouldn't have even been near you knowing that people were after me. I never wanted you to be in danger and I'm sorry for that. I won't let anything happen to you anymore." I said getting teary but I blinked them away.
Someone knocked on the door and it was Scott.
"Can I come in?" He asked as I nodded wiping my tear.
He stood beside me as I watched him take my father's hand that I was recently holding. I watched as his veins turned black as he shut his eyes wincing. I was confused but shocked as I assumed he was helping my father. He let go as he moved his finger around opening his eyes.
"What did you just do?" I asked him.
"I'm able to take pain away, as you just saw." He said as I just smiled him.
Maybe I can actually trust them. Maybe they will be able to protect me, but of course I will have to protect them. After all, I am a Guardian.

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