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"You and Liam aren't talking are you?" Scott asked as I was getting ready for the bonfire.
"I prefer not to talk about it." I said as I came out of the washroom as Scott was sitting on his bed looking at me.
"You know he's a newly werewolf, he has a lot going on his mind." He said.
"But he took his anger out on me and Mason, which wasn't right." I said.
Scott sighed.
"I'm going with Mason to the bonfire, I'll see you there." I said leaving the room.
"Let me drop you!" Scott said from behind.
"His mom's here to drop us." I replied as he nodded.
"Be careful and don't drink!" Was the last thing I heard before I went outside.
I smiled as I hopped in the car with Mason.
"You excited?" He asked me.
"Totally." I said with a wink.
We reached the school as we said goodbye to Mason's mom as we stood beside each other.
"I'm so going to get drunk." I said.
We began walking as people were drinking and dancing. It seemed pretty cool. I noticed Malia dancing but her and Stiles aren't talking to each other at the moment because Stiles didn't tell her that her father is Peter. I have no idea who that is.
We were walking and then I saw Liam sitting on the bench looking at me as he was drinking. I looked at him and to the ground and at Mason.
"You can chill with Liam for a while, he seems to be drunk." I said to Mason over the loud music.
"Are you sure?" He asked as I nodded.
"I'll be with Malia." I said as he nodded and walked away.
I went to Malia as I began dancing with her.
"You want some?" She asked as I nodded drinking the booze. I looked over as Liam and Mason were talking.

Liam's POV:
Mason came and sat beside me as I just drank.
"Are you going to slow down there?" He asked.
"I just want to get drunk tonight man." I said.
"Is it because of Grace?" He asked as I looked at him frowning.
"She hates me." I said taking another sip as I was pouring more in my soda can because I'm underage.
"No she doesn't she's just upset." He said.

Grace's POV:
I was dancing and drinking as Malia was drunk as well.
Someone came over to us and it was Scott.
"You know werewolves can't get drunk right?" He said.
"But I can." I slurred as he looked at me.
"You drank?" He asked me as I smirked he sighed in disappointment.
"I'm just tipsy." I giggled as he ignored me.
He looked at Malia as she was dancing and was clearly drunk.
"You're drunk?" He said confused.
He looked over at Liam as Liam was drunk as well.
"If this is how drunk feels, I don't like it." She said as she was about to fall but Scott caught her.
"But that's impossible." He said.
Mason came over to us as Scott asked, " How much did he drink?"
"Enough to make him like that." Mason said.
Scott grabbed the flask from Malia and sniffed it as he began to feel dizzy.
Scott looked confused as was walking in the crowd looking around for something or someone as Mason followed him.
"Keep an eye on them for me." He said.
Scott's POV:
I looked around seeing these buff men smirking at me as I looked over to the speakers. I have to get us out of here.
But I began feeling dizzy, and I wasn't even able to keep my eyes open. Its the music, theirs probably wolfsbane in it.
Before I could let the gang know some men came and were taking me away along with Malia, Liam and Grace.
I saw Mason as I told him, " It's the music..." I slurred right before I was taken away.

Grace's POV:
We were taken in the school as I felt myself getting gasoline all over me which helped me get sober. I looked in front of me seeing Scott Malia and Liam getting gasoline spilled on them. Are they planning to burn us?
"What are you doing stop!" I said as I was getting up but one man pushed me as I fell to the ground hitting my head against the lockers.
"Don't touch her!" Liam yelled.
They laughed, "What are you going to do?" Another man said.
The man was just pouring gasoline on them as I had to do something.
I shut my eyes as I put my hand in front of myself as I was trying to focus.
"No Grace." Scott said but I didn't listen. I can shield them but not myself but I don't care.
I shielded them as they were trapped in as the men weren't able to touch Scott, Malia and Liam.
"Stop." Scott said but I didn't listen.
"Oh now we know why you are worth the most, because you stop people like us kill people like them." He said.
"We were planning on burning them alive first and you to watch and then kill you. But I guess you want it the other way around." He said as he come close to me.
"I swear if you even touch her I'll kill you!" Liam said.
Tears were escaping my eyes as I was trying not to loose focus.
"Grace stop!" Scott said as he was still coughing.
The men came over to me as I watched him as I had my eyes open now.
"Aw if someone having a small nose bleed." They said.
"How if I do this?" He said as he grabbed my hand and twisted it as I screamed in pain which also caused the Shield to break.

He let go as he turned around seeing Scott's red eyes as Scott threw the lighter far away from us.

"The music stopped playing." He said as the men got scared.

I was holding my hand as I knew it was broken because it was all purple and swollen.

Out of no where I hear gun shots as I look up and see a badass looking girl with a man who looked so familiar.
They were shooting the bad guys as I was just in pain. I noticed someone beside me as it was Liam.
"Why did you do that?" He said.
"I-I didn't want you guys to get hurt." I said.
"Here." He said as he gently grabbed my arm as he squeezed it which hurt.
But he was doing the same thing Scott did to my dad, he was taking some pain away.
"Thank you." I said.
He kissed my temple as I smiled with few small tears still falling from the side of my eyes.
I looked up as it was everyone looking at me as I felt uncomfortable.
"I know you're mad but I wanted to help." I said to Scott.
"You're Grace aren't you?" Derek asked me as I nodded as I didn't know how he knew my name.
Liam and Scott helped me up as we were walking out.
"I'm going to take her to the hospital." Liam said.
"We don't have a car." Scott said.
"I'll take her." Derek said as I just looked at him as he gave me a small smile.
"But I'm coming with you guys." Liam added as I smiled at him.
"Malia and I will meet you there." Scott said as we nodded.
I went into the car as Liam and I sat in the back.
"You don't remember me do you?" He said as I shook my head.
"Me and your mother were good friends, even though she hated the supernatural. She was friends with my mom which made me and her become friends as well." He said.
"Wait are you Derek Hale?" I asked as he nodded.
"My father told me you were my god father." I said as he chuckled.
"Indeed I am." He said as Liam just held me closer as I snuggled closed to him.
"I'm sorry." He whispered to me.
I looked up at him into those blue eyes.
"It's okay." I said.
He kissed the top of my head as I shut my eyes as I fell asleep listening to his heartbeat.

Heartbeat -Teen Wolf (Liam)Where stories live. Discover now