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Shubman's POV (2032, November 21 ,11:00 am)

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Shubman's POV (2032, November 21 ,11:00 am)

“Take care , eat on time don't forget to call okay ” mom said while kissing my forehead, I nod my head as yes towards her as an answer before turning to my father.

Giving him a hug , I turned towards the car “Shaneel said she will wait for you in the airport , meet her” my dad said giving a pat on my back as he opened the car door for me.

I just give him a nod with a small smile on my face and in few seconds the car started and in few minutes I am away from the house.

How is the vacation bhaiya?” my cousin asked me “It's fine Abhi” I said to him with a smile on my face after few minutes silent he again started speaking.

“So, bua talked to me and she told me that you are saying no to ma-”he is saying but I cut him off “Abhishek if you are gonna talk about this topic then don't” I said.

I gulped and again said “Just don't I am begging you please ” I said to him as I felt a lump forming in my throat and slowly tears started to well up in my eyes.

Bhaiya..” he said softly almost like whispered “please” I whispered to him as I closed my eyes to stop my tears “I am sorry bhaiya ” he said as he sped up the car.

After few minutes I started the conversation “So how is job Dr.Sharma?” I asked him with a geniune smile on my face “Bhaiya!! Don't call me that just call me Dr.Abhishek you are making me feel old” he said with a pout on his face.

Don't do that face you look like a duck and you are 32 obviously you are old” I said to him laughing , like this we reach the Chandigarh airport by 4:10 pm.

Abhishek helped me with the luggage and I am about to leave “Shubman bhaiya” he called which made me immediately stop and turn towards him.

what do you want Abhi?” I asked him knowing that he will only call me shubman bhaiya when he wants something.

He hugged me tightly which kinda startled me but I slowly hugged him too “bring him back please..” he whispered to me , I gently pulled out from the hug.

Abhi..” I said as I wipped the tears on his face gently “I can't” I said to him with a vulnerable look in my eyes as my remaining face is covered with mask along with a hat on my head and he slowly he distanced himself from me.

Take care bhaiya, I have night shift in the hospital today I will leave now” he said as he get in the car and started it while I  turn around and started going towards the entrance of airport.

Feeling glad that there are no reporters , I entered inside and started walking towards checking area and after getting my passport checked, I look at my watch 4:25 pm.

I started looking for my didi when I saw her in the private waiting room ,I gently knocked on the door and she looked at me “shubman?” she asked me while I nod my head lowering my mask.

I walked to her while she immediately crashed herself on me giving me a tight hug , while I kissed her on her head and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

shub , mom-” she started but I immediately cut her off saying “please do not , now you too” I told her as I gave her  a blank look.

shub I am here to tell you , please just move on ...” she said as hold my hands
“I can't di” I said as I left her hands hearing the announcement.

why do you love him?” she asked me as I continued to walk out from the waiting area “I don't know... He's just...I don't know” I said and started walking towards the boarding area.

Within few minutes I am in the plane , sitting in my seat and buckle up my seat belt while a announcement is made by the pilot saying that the plane is gonna take off now.

I leaned into my seat and closed my eyes while knowingly my mind started to think about him which made me open my eyes.

I don't why I am thinking about him continuously since few days , it's not like I didn't think about him but the last few days everything is about him only him.

I am having a feeling that I am gonna meet him soon or maybe I will find where he is 'oh god please give me strength to face him' I silently prayed to the God.

I just look at the sky from the window while listening to the songs trying not to think about him but who am I kidding when did I had control over my mind and my heart after falling for him.

My mind again started thinking about him while I felt my heart beat getting fast “you are my never ending thought Ishan” I whispered to myself as I felt tears rolling down from my eyes.

End of chapter 3

Hope you guys will like it ♥️

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