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You and Gray were standing at Home-depo in the paint section looking for a new paint color for your room. You were looking threw the colors until you found it. The color you want for your bedroom.

(F/c) paint.

"Dad! I found the color!" You jump in joy as you showed Gray a piece of (f/c) card stock. He looked at it for a moment until he said," I don't like it." The smile on your face slowly faded as you took in what your dad said. H-he doesn't like it? You thought as a bewildered expression formed on your face.

"What color did you have I mind?" You growled threw gritted teeth. "[UGLY POTATO ASS COLOR YOU HATE]. Your choice." he stated simply as he looked at the other shades. "I.want.(f/c)!" You bursted out. Your face turning red from anger and the air around you became colder and colder.
Gray looked at you in surprise.

But he frowned and turned to look at you.Surrounding customers and workers looked towards your way."I don't care what you want! We are getting [UGLY POTATO ASS COLOR YOU HATE!" He yelled.

"I don't like that color! It's ugly like your face!"you yelled back. Some near by children snickered at what you said. "How dare you disrespect me like that!? I'm your father! And we are not getting (f/c)!"he yelled once more.

Your face grew even more red and he knew what it meant."Don't you dare...."he mumbled. You began crying your eyes out.

A little bit of snot running down your nose.Gray's face grew red with embarrassment and anger. Surrounding people shook there heads and walked away from the some walked away.

He sighed a walked down the isle garbing two cans of (f/c) paint and two rolls of scotch duct tape. He grab your hand walked towards the cashier.

You walked the parking lot towards his car with the tape while Gray was holding the paint. "Also, your grounded for a week for doing that." he said.

"Alright...."you mumbled,your eyes red and puffy from crying."I love you....."you mumbled,"and your face is not ugly...."

He chuckled a bit. "I love you too."

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